2023 Committees' Annual Report
A Comprehensive Report of BL Companies Committees’ Missions and Accomplishments for 2023
2023 Committees’ Annual Report
A Comprehensive Report of BL Companies Committees’ Missions and Accomplishments
As a 100% employee-owned company, BL Companies stands apart from the rest because of the way we engage employee owners in the business of creating a long-term sustainable Company. Some of the practices that distinguish BL include transparent communications, employee engagement in critical aspects of the business and the care that BL takes for on boarding new employees and aligning our policies around our core values. Committees, each comprised of approximately 10 to 24 employee owners, play an important role at BL as they handle the navigation and recommendations on significant matters ranging from healthcare and safety to ESOP communications and training. Visit the intranet for a list of committee chairs and active committee members.
Employee Owners, As you know, we get a lot of important work done through our Committees and Subcommittees at BL Companies. We currently have ten active Committees and several Subcommittees. The employees who are a part of these Committees have taken on initiatives such as updating our Revit standards, consistently providing new employee orientation on safety, QA/QC and software applications, holding wellness events throughout the year and the list goes on and on. As an Employee Owned Company the various Committees and Subcommittees provide Employee Owners opportunities to participate in areas of interest. We greatly appreciate the contributions of the Committees and also want the contributions to be recognized during the year end evaluation process, as Committee work is generally above and beyond an employee’s job responsibilities. It’s expected that Supervisors will seek input from the Committee Chairperson(s) on the contributions of their members. In addition, we are frequently asked: What are the Committees? How can I get an opportunity to participate? How long do I need to sign up for? What happens if my work changes and I cannot participate? And so… I thought it would be helpful to provide some guidance so that we can foster opportunities for further involvement, provide communications around the great work and contributions of the Committees and its members and allow participation in initiatives without having to make a life-long commitment. Each Committee has some nuances, and Committee Chairpersons can provide further specifics. I have asked Julia O’Brien to work with each Committee Chairperson to communicate the following: 1. As part of our evaluation process (and thereafter), we ask the Committee Chairperson to: ■ Review his or her Committee and discuss with each member their interest or ability to continue participating. ■ When need or appropriate, discuss with the Directors the contributions of each Committee member, the level of department and office involvement, and whether it is time to provide others an opportunity to participate. 2. For those who want to participate and currently aren’t, or are asked to participate because of a certain skill or expertise: ■ Employees interested in a particular Committee should speak to their supervisor and then contact the Chairperson and discuss, regardless of whether or not there is an immediate opening. It’s important for the Chairperson to be aware of your interest, as there will at some point be an opening on the Committee or a Subcommittee. The list of Committees and members are listed in the Employees>Committees section of the intranet (might not include all Subcommittees or one time efforts). ■ The involvement would be for a flexible two-year commitment, so that the employee knows that the time is finite and he/she could rotate off. This also provides others the opportunity to participate. 3. We have asked each Committee to review their mission statement and summarize their 2023 accomplishments. These write-ups can be found in the 2023 Committees’ Annual Report. The 2024 Goals will be sent out at the end of January. We hope this is helpful. If you have other questions, please direct them to the Committee Chairperson, Julia O’Brien or me. We look forward to continuing the important work of these Committees. Thank you, Carolyn
COMMITTEE PAGE NUMBERS ■ ESOP Communications Committee................................. 1-4 ■ Client Care Committee..................................................... 5-6 ■ Technical Development Committee............................... 7-8 ■ QA/QC Committee........................................................... 9-10 ■ Safety Committee............................................................. 11-12 ■ 401K Committee............................................................... 13-14 ■ Wellness & Healthcare Committee................................. 15-16 ■ Giving Back Committee.................................................. 17-18 ■ Sustainability Committee..................................................19-20 ■ Revit Standards Committee............................................. 21-22
MISSION ■ To promote an inclusive and interactive workplace by educating our colleagues on our rights and responsibilities as employee owners and encouraging pride in the impact each of us has on the services we provide and on our profession.
Overall Year and Trends The ESOP Communications Committee continued fostering our ownership culture by providing engaging and diverse events & programs throughout 2023. This year provided an excellent opportunity for the Committee to balance virtual programming with in-office events focusing on reconnecting teams. In 2023, our committee continued to evaluate and improve our practices to better manage and execute programming and events. The committee developed websites, utilized web-based document sharing and task tracking to improve the experience for our event’s participants and clarify the responsibilities and roles of our committee members. As we move into 2024, the committee will continue to assess our actions and evolve our practices to provide consistent, sustainable and engaging programming. The committee experienced a steady rotation of members during 2023. The committee introduced six new members this year while multiple former members rotated off the to pursue other initiatives. For 2024, the Committee will continue to add members from currently under-represented offices and groups. Programs & Initiatives ■ Bowling Event (February) ○ The ESOP Communications Committee started off the year by hosting an out-of-office event focused on boosting morale and team building with fellow employee owners within individual offices. ○ Each office location had a separate event to best accommodate the
members of the local office. This led to increased participation (compared to previous years) and allowed the greatest number of employees the ability to participate and interact with fellow employee owners. ■ March Madness(March) ○ A series of mini games and puzzles themed around the March Madness college basketball tournament. This event occurred over a four-week period during March and into April. The event was full of puzzles, basketball-themed games, camaraderie, and PRIZES! ○ The event was administered by the Major Engagement Subcommittee that utilized a website created by Jennifer Papazian that tracked each team’s progress. ○ This team event was created to provide fun puzzles and basketball-themed games while not demanding too much time from any one individual. Our employee owners have demanding schedules and this provided a fun and easy way to engage across all disciplines and offices. ○ The top three winning teams were rewarded with over $2,000 in prizes! The winners were revealed during a lunch and/or coffee break that was sponsored by the ESOP Communications Committee. ■ Coffee Break (May) ○ An in office, social coffee break, where individual offices gathered to share coffee and pastries as well as to have an overall recharge with this 15-30 minute break. ○ Employees at home or in the field were encouraged to have a quick Teams meeting/video chat with a fellow employee. ■ Mystery Game (June/July/August) ○ Mystery Game event that occurred over a six-week period during June through the beginning of August. The event was full of puzzles, sleuthing, camaraderie, and PRIZES! ○ The event was administered by the Major Engagement Subcommittee that utilized a website created by Jennifer Papazian that tracked each team’s progress and provided clues for the event. ○ This year’s game was the second installment which featured HUGO as our mascot throughout the event. This year’s game was also much more difficult that the previous years, which was based on feedback received from players in 2022. Many teams were stumped with only a few submitting the correct answers at the end of the 6-week game! ○ This team event was created to provide fun puzzles and basketball-themed games while not demanding too much time from any one individual. Our employee owners have demanding
Breton Boudreaux (C) Holly Linder (C) Lauren Affrunti Mina Almengor Taylor Black Megan Burke Sarah Costagliola Julia DeFrances Steve Hamilton Jennifer Huffmire Taylor Joubert Patrick Joyce Joe Kempf Jennifer Papazian Niomi Phillips Jordan Rodgers Robert Sabbagh Samantha Schuetz Priyang Shah
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schedules and this provided a fun and easy way to engage across all disciplines and offices. ○ The top three winning teams were rewarded with over $2,000 in prizes! ■ Guess the Stock Price (May/June) ○ Contest for employee owners to take a guess at the actual 2022 BL Companies Stock Price. ○ $1,000 worth of Cash/ Gift Card Prizes for top 4 closest guesses!!! ○ 76% Participation throughout all of our offices within this contest. ■ Summer Barbeque (June) ○ To celebrate the start of the summer season, the ESOP Communications Committee hosted a summer picnic for each office. ○ The goal was to bring our teams together to unwind and having a little fun to kick-off the summer. ○ Each office hosted their own version, either in-house or at a favorite local establishment. ■ ESOP Year in Review (July) ○ In-person and virtual presentations for all employee owners to review the current stock price, valuation process & factors, and impact of employee engagement. ○ The presenters reviewed details of a sample annual statement of participation and illustrations of projected participant ESOP account value. Recognition was given to those who became fully vested and entered the Plan. ○ This year, ESOP Communications Committee members had the opportunity to present part of the presentation as well. ■ ESOP Month (October) ○ Month-long celebration of Employee Ownership. ○ Every October the ESOP Association and employee-owned companies celebrate being an ESOP. BL uses this month to continue to promote our ownership culture, help strengthen relationships within the Company, and increase awareness about our ESOP. We all work hard to make BL a great place to work, and ESOP Month is a chance to celebrate. ○ The theme for this year’s ESOP Month was “Space.” It was a BLast. ○ Events & programs included Space Bingo, Moon Rock Painting, Space Board Games, Team Trivia, Themed Dress Up Days, Space Movie Night, Constellation Pumpkin Painting, and much more. ○ Events included a mixture of in-person and virtual events allowing all employees to participate no matter what office they are based out of (including at home or in the field). ○ Quarter-zip pullovers with the BL Logo were provided to all employees so that they could spread the BL ESOP Month spirit. ○ Raffle tickets were awarded to participants for all events throughout the month. The end of the month was capped with a Virtual Happy
Hour and BIG Raffle to award lots of great prizes.
■ End of Year Happy Hour (November/December) ○ To celebrate the end of another successful year, the ESOP Communications Committee will host a happy hour for each office. ○ The goal is to bring our teams together to unwind and have a little fun prior to the winter/end-of-year rush. Events to take place in the offices or at a favorite local establishment. This year, ESOP Communications Committee members had the opportunity to present part of the presentation as well. ○ A virtual Happy Hour will also be conducted for those who prefer to connect with other offices.
SUB-COMMITTEE MEMBERS Major Engagement Jennifer Papazian (C) Megan Burke Taylor Joubert Robert Sabbagh Ongoing Engagement Niomi Phillips (C) Lauren Affrunti Patrick Joyce Samantha Schuetz
Priyang Shah ESOP Month
Sarah Costagliola (C) Jennifer Huffmire (C) Jordan Rodgers
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MISSION ■ To provide leadership and guidance to our employee owners in the awareness and implementation of our established client care competencies. ■ To promote a clear understanding of the interrelationship between internal and external client care, the client experience, and their collective impact as a competitive advantage in our industry.
2023 YEAR IN REVIEW ■ Held two Client Care Orientation Training sessions – June 28 and September 20. Trained approximately 45 new BL Employee Owners in Client Care. ■ Revised the timing for Advanced Client Care Training from Fall 2023 to early first quarter 2024. This was primarily due to the target audience (as well as the trainees) having multiple responsibilities in the Fall (BD goal setting, evaluations, development plans, etc.) which could potentially lead to poor attendance. ■ Sent monthly awareness communications Company-wide via email blast most months during 2023. ■ Hosted the Client Care Coffee Break during ESOP month. ■ Published articles in the Client Care Corner in BL’s Quarterly Newsletter. ■ Met bi-weekly throughout 2023. ■ Monitored Client Care actions within each department through committee members and provided feedback.
Tom Pechillo (C) Michele Smith (C) Bob Blickley Rich Bracco Matt Bruton Bob Cappelli Christine Colella Tanya Freed Derek Keil Joy Kloss Mark Koellner Jose Lazo John Mancini Ken Radziwon Sharon Thompson Dan Wenzel
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MISSION ■ The Technical Development Committee is tasked with overseeing and facilitating both ongoing, and one-off, development opportunities for Employee Owners. In addition, the committee oversees the on boarding training for each subdiscipline.
2023 YEAR IN REVIEW In 2023, technical development subcommittees were able to create consistent trainings for each discipline, as well as engage in cross discipline training. They each found a timing, and regular cadence, that worked with their respective disciplines. We continued the use of Technical Development Sheets for every role, up to Senior Technical Professionals. The focus was to have the sheets be a tool for supervisors to support their staff individually and guide subcommittees for training needs. Launched in 2022, disciplines regularly incorporated open office hours into the learning opportunities. These are set times, where Senior Technical Professionals are available to answer questions and be a resource for Employee Owners. This, coupled with more consistent trainings, allowed Employee Owners to have more access to technical resources and learning opportunities throughout the year.
Subcommittee Accomplishments ■ ASMEP Technical Development Sub-Committee
○ Provided monthly meetings, including Principal Architects and Senior Project Managers with a focus on technical development issues that have arisen on projects. ○ Provided weekly office hours by David Mancuso and Corey Nardone. ○ Provided bi-monthly in-depth trainings on various technical and permitting topics throughout the year. ○ Coordinated and provided ongoing software training as employees progress. ○ Collaborated to hold specific sessions on cross discipline coordination
in REVIT. ○ Coordinated and ran 22 “brown bag” lunch and learn sessions. ■ Engineering Technical Development Sub-Committee ○ Provided 20 trainings for all Engineering Employee Owners across all sub-disciplines. ○ Provided Civil 3D and MicroStation Standards orientation for all new Engineering employees. ○ Coordinated and provided ongoing software training as employees progress. ○ Provided weekly office hours by Al Busher and Jess Bates. ■ Environmental Technical Development Sub-Committee ○ Trained employee owners on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) to clearly lay out how we do our work. ○ Presented “brown bag” lunch series to introduce and refresh employee owners on best practices. ○ Coordinated ongoing safety trainings: OSHA, Asbestos and Lead Paint. ○ Trained employee owners on, and reviewed, departmental reports and other work products to ensure consistency and allow for growth of employee owners. ■ Survey Technical Development Sub-Committee ○ Provided BL CAD Standards orientation for all new Survey employees. ○ Assisted in evaluating new employees’ Civil 3D and Leica Infinity software skills, as well as Leica survey equipment proficiencies. ○ Trained and prepared individuals to take licensure, and recurrent, knowledge exams.
Bret Boudreaux (C) Jess Bates Emily Bidlingmeyer Al Busher
David Cicia Paul Curcio Jason Ellis
Rebecca Ford Jeremy Hayes Barbara Joslin Aaron LaDue David Mancuso Christopher Mastriano Ian McPhillips Corey Nardone Michael Nuzzi
Michael O’Brien Charles Packer James Schrager Michael Shepley Randy Schick Wilhelm Thiel Walter Young
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MISSION ■ Evaluate the current QA/QC programs across the disciplines including lessons learned from projects and consistency throughout offices. ■ Identify gaps and enhancements. ■ Continue to implement and promote Departmental, Company-wide QA Plan; continue to train staff on best practices so as to incorporate such practices into BL’s processes and systems. 2023 YEAR IN REVIEW ■ Reviewed 103 projects in Q1 and 96 projects in Q3 that were over $10,000 in value and were opened during the two quarters prior to each audit. Members of the Committee reviewed the project files and discussed their findings with the respective Project Managers. The discussions focused on execution of the QA/QC process, use of the QA tracker, kick-off meetings, and design QC reviews. Committee members then met with the Executive Directors and/or Directors to share their findings. ■ Developed and presented “Back-to-Basics” day to review both the Company’s QA/QC Plan as well as their group specific QA/QC Plans. ■ Provided approximately 35 new Employee/Owners with their QA/QC Orientation and continued to hold periodic QA/QC meetings within their respective groups and discussed various topics related to QC Reviews, Design Checklists, and “lessons learned.” ■ Land Development and Architecture groups worked to incorporate greater use of “check sets” during the design process to allow for greater visibility of drawing status during design. This effort was intended to help reduce rework during design and to allow for course corrections earlier in the design process. ■ Evaluated design, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control checklists for their respective disciplines and updated them to reflect changes in technology and processes. The Energy team updated Structural and Erosion Control
Checklists, while the Architecture team updated Architectural, Mechanical, and Electrical design checklists. ■ The Architectural team reviewed and updated the Architecture group’s QA/QC Plan to reflect changes in technology, the remote work environment, and lessons learned.
John Jenney (C) Jessica Bates Thomas Beckman Michael Bensh Al Busher Andrew Cavallo Jeff Dewey David Mancuso Christa Mandler Mike Nuzzi Jim Schrager Aaron Silva John Thatcher Mike Woods
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MISSION ■ Educate all employees on safe practices in the field and office. ■ Assist employee owners in the application of best practices and provide the necessary tools and equipment. ■ Continually evaluate and assess needs to respond to the ever-changing safety requirements of our environment and clients. ■ To make safety a significant element of our employee ownership culture. 2023 YEAR IN REVIEW ■ Completed Safety Day 2023 in January - issued and discussed Safety Manual revisions to all employees. ■ Completed EMR Contest in January 2023. ■ Held Committee meetings throughout the year. ■ Introduced safety topics regularly at Environmental and Survey department meetings. ■ Continued new employee orientations throughout the year with a team of trainers. ■ Coordinated distribution of PPE to new employees. ■ Revised Emergency Action Plans for all permanent locations. Plans posted on intranet and a hard copy placed in each location. ■ Received access to the Work Care portal for Medical Surveillance Program. ■ Made significant reductions in the number of speeding incidents in 2023. ■ Evaluated our liability if subs sign our JHA and HASPs. ■ Established a JHA library for Environmental. ■ Distributed fire evacuation procedures to Meriden in advance of fire drill. ■ Evaluated our Fire Extinguisher policy. Scheduled required training for select individuals in Meriden in December 2023.
■ Distributed 28-inch, reflective cones to all field vehicles and added light bars to select vehicles for better visibility. ■ Sent safety emails/notices throughout the year on relevant topics. ■ Continued NGA-OQ/ISNET record keeping and accident tracking. ■ Continued tracking and reporting of motor vehicle accidents and OSHA reportable incidents. ■ Continued biannual Safety audits in the first and third quarters. ■ Participated in Go Orange Day. ■ Coordinated and provided aerial lift and confined space training, as needed. ■ Sponsored a successful Space Safety Sign contest and coffee break/ trivia during ESOP month. ■ Reviewed and updated Safety Manual, which was rolled out on Safety Day 2023.
Joy Kloss (C) Dominick Celtruda (C) Thomas Beckman Bob Cappelli
Simon Disla Rob Good
Dan Hodgkins John Jenney Jeremiah Jones Kevin Kilguss Jennifer Li Mike McGowan Andrew Mueller Julia O’Brien Charlie Packer Shannon Powers Kevin Rodgers Kathy Rodo Brandon Rojas Peter Schirmer John Schmitz Will Thiel Andrew Thompson Jacqueline Torpey Justine Ziobron
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MISSION ■ Prepare, maintain, and review the Investments on a quarterly basis with the guidance of a third-party financial advisor. ■ Prudently select, monitor and, if necessary, recommend termination of investment options. ■ Share information and recommendations with the President/CEO.
2023 YEAR IN REVIEW ■ The Committee met on a quarterly basis during the year. At these meetings all members become more familiar with the Investment Policy, reviewed the performance of each fund by following the Investment Policy, and were made aware of regulatory updates and market highlights that may have an impact on the Plan. ■ The Committee made the recommendation to remove PIMCO StocksPLUS® Small A from the Small Blend option as it failed to meet the Plan’s evaluation criteria for 6 consecutive quarters, and the Plan already has another option under this category, Principal SmallCap S&P 600 Index R-6. This recommendation was approved. ■ The following sessions were provided in 2023: ○ 401K 101 meetings for new hires on a quarterly basis. ○ One-on-One meetings with a financial advisor were scheduled on May 22 and 23. The option for virtual meetings was also provided. ○ The following webinars & educational emails were provided: • February 15, 2023 – Email - Add or Update Your Beneficiary Today • March 24, 2023 – Planning for Retirement Healthcare – Brainshark Webinar. • May 5, 2023 – Money 101 - Where do I start?-Live Webinar • June 27, 2023 – Debt Reduction-Live Webinar • July 2023 – All about our ESOP Plan! • November 9, 2023 – Principal Milestones-Live Webinar
■ The following documents were shared with Employee Owners: ○ Quarterly Statements ○ 2022 Annual Report ○ 401K Plan Safe Harbor Notice, ERISA 404 Notice, Investment Information and 2023 Contribution Limits. 2024 IRS Retirement account limits – deferral and catch-up contributions for 2024 will be $23,000 and $7,500. ■ Overall Plan Value increased from $46.2M Q4-2022 to $47.7M Q3 2023 (As of September 30, 2023) – 3% overall increase based on market performance. ■ Employee participation rate is approximately 85%. (Plans in our industry typically have a 64.6% participation rate.) As of November 20, 2023, 315 Employee Owners are contributing with an average deferral rate of 9.9%. ■ Expense Ratio is currently at 0.67 which is below the Peer Average Expense Ratio of 0.78. ■ Effective March 12, 2023, the following two new categories were added to the Plan Options, Natural Resources and Utilities, allowing participants to have more fund options. 1. Specialty - Natural Resources BNY Mellon Natural Resources I - DLDRX 2. Specialty - Utilities MFS Utilities R4 - MMUHX ■ Effective October 2023, BL’s fixed investment fund, PFIGO Primary Vintage, has been earmarked for replacement with a more attractive money market account, PGO. After the required 12-month waiting period, funds will automatically be transferred into this new fund.
Mina Almengor (C) Karen Benoit Patrick Clark Anthony Guarnieri
Sam Haydock Michael Kurker Clare Olesen Evan Silberquit Brad Wolf FINANCIAL ADVISOR Patrick Clark
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MISSION ■ Promote awareness and adoption of healthy habits through educational initiatives. ■ Empower employees to be responsible for their own daily choices toward living a balanced and mindful lifestyle. ■ Foster a positive work site culture with behaviors that cultivate, nurture, and support optimal well-being for ourselves, our families, and community. ■ Provide Employee Owners and their family members access to quality and affordable healthcare options. ■ Educate Employee Owners on plan coverages to encourage informed consumerism. 2023 YEAR IN REVIEW ■ Distributed 6 flyers/newsletters with topical wellness information. ■ Posted weekly “Wellness Wednesday” topics on the Intranet’s home page, to keep wellness and healthcare top of mind. ■ Introduced the formal “Well-Health” Reimbursement program, where all employee owners can receive a $100 AmEx gift card reimbursement for any wellness-related expenses. ■ Sponsored events and activities to support the Committee’s mission of awareness and promotion of healthy habits: ○ Thursday Evening 5K Race with Hartford Marathon Foundation ■ Offered the WalkaBLe/RunaBLe Challenge June 26 – July 9, to support individual engagement and interoffice competition. The Challenge had the most participants to date, and also introduced a new feature of requesting selfies be sent in (to earn extra points). ■ Promoted Mental Health Awareness throughout the month of May: ○ Forest Bathing Seminar ○ Virtual Cooking Class
○ Sent weekly informational emails. ○ Held a series of gentle yoga sessions (4 sessions). ○ Held a session with EAP to educate about the benefits of the Employee Assistance Program. ○ Held a Cigna webinar on Resilience: Prioritizing Your Emotional Well-Being ■ Collaborated with ESOP Communications Committee for an ESOP Month event. Promoted the wellness benefits of Stargazing and provided resources throughout a one-week period on this topic. ■ All virtual events – Wellness Webinars & Yoga – have been posted to the Video Library on the Intranet. ■ Collaborated with Marketing to promote BL’s Wellness initiatives on Social Media (“Wellness Wednesday”). ■ Promoted webinars and resources provided by Cigna. ■ Continued to highlight what it means to be self-insured and how healthcare costs directly impact BL and our employees. ■ 2024 Open Enrollment-Educate employees on the enrollment process and updates to 2024 plan year.
Jessica Fasi (C) Shannon Powers (C) Steven Cappelli Elizabeth Chambers
Christine Colella Melissa Hanson Duane Hinkson Ian McPhillips James Schrager Jill Stolinas
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MISSION ■ To promote and foster social responsibility and involvement through charitable giving, volunteerism and community projects. The Giving Back Committee coordinates and communicates BL’s giving back initiatives and schedule of events.
2023 YEAR IN REVIEW ■ Four Giving Back Spotlights: Ben Bronz, Bobby’s Believers, Harrisburg Humane Society, Hope Scarves. All spotlights helped create awareness and supported fund raising for all the organizations spotlighted. ■ Wear Red for Women Day – Support American Heart Association: Event co sponsored with Wellness. (February)Wear Red For Women Day – Support American Heart Association: Event co-sponsored with Wellness. (February) ■ Bushnell Park Cleanup (April 20th) – volunteers joined the Bushnell Park Foundation in a park cleanup during Earth Month. ■ Harrisburg Humane Society – Peace, Love and Paws Contest – Employee owners helped raise $890 for the Humane Society and earned Hugo a 2nd place finish in the contest. ■ CASA Back to School Supplies Drive (July) – This corporate-wide event supported the back-to-school needs of children in the foster system. From all our offices, our Back-to-School Supplies Drive filled 8 large boxes with colorful markers and crayons, glue sticks, pencils, pens, notebooks and scissors and much more. ■ Wreaths Across America: Memorial Day (May) and Veterans Day (November) Promotion for December Event. Employee Owners supported by donating wreaths and signing up for December 16th. ■ Jim McNally Memorial Golf Tournament: sponsorship and in-kind graphic support. All proceeds go to the Jimmy Fund for cancer research. (October) ■ ESOP Month Giving Back Event – Pet Photo Contest. From all around BL, animal causes received donations in the form of money (over $200), goods
(wishes granted), adoption, and fostering (both cats and dogs.) Holiday Wish List for children in Foster Care – 50 Wishes will be granted in support of CASA-NY. (November) ■ Empty Bowls Project in support of the food banks. (December)
Name (C) Name Name Name Heather Halotek (C) Lauren Affrunti Megan Burke Dan Bycenski Michelle Carlson Julia DeFrances Rebecca Ford Bill Fries Crystal Hershey Kestra Kelly Bob Klein Aaron LaDue Laurice Lewarchick Joe Michiels Olivia Nachbauer Brody O’Brien Lisa Pavano Samantha Streng Deidra Thompson
Walter Young Bill Zimmerman
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MISSION ■ To promote awareness, and adoption of sustainability practices through giving back and educational activities.
2023 YEAR IN REVIEW The idea of this sub-committee was launched in February of 2023 with the announcement of its mission, vision and values communicated to BL employee owners in an email in April. ■ Began meeting with a small committee group of interested participants every 3 weeks. ■ Conducted a survey to create meaningful and rewarding content that would be valued by our employee owners. Sought out additional committee members. ■ Celebrated Earth Month with Earth Day activity at Bushnell Park. ■ Introduced the committee chairs and members via e-mail in July. ■ Hosted Sustainability Lunch & Learn on Trail Education – Impacts & Etiquette in August. ■ Launched the BLeaflet – Sustainability Committee Newsletter. Published 3 issues in September (Theme: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle), October (Theme: National Parks, Animal Rescue) and November (Theme: Thanksgiving). Each issue also spotlights our employee owners in some way that is reflective of the issue’s theme. ■ Supported ESOP Month with a Sustainability Scavenger Hunt and Sustainability Raffle Prize Pack. ■ Hosted Sustainability Lunch & Learn on The Benefits of Land Conservation in November.
Heather Halotek (C) Chelsea Strunk (C) Samantha Schuetz (C) Lauren Affrunti Kelly Blaser Sarah Costagliola William Dougherty Anna Hamrick Joseph Michiels Naufal Murtadza Olivia Nauchbauer
Lisa Pavano Daniel Pinto Kevin Rodgers
Charlie Rodichok Dana Samelson Ellie Tate Andrew Thompson Nicholas Yuen
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MISSION ■ We are committed to the seamless collaboration and integration of the Revit platform across BL Companies. We aim to foster continued development, maintenance and functionality of the Revit platform for the purpose of comprehensive documentation that is produced at a high level and in a consistent and clear manner. The Committee does this through the following: ○ On boarding training ○ Template and Container file creation and development
○ Resource library maintenance ○ Multi-discipline collaboration
2023 YEAR IN REVIEW ■ Continued maintenance for all groups’ templates: ○ Reviewed annotations, templates, schedules, legends, notes, details, etc. ○ Applied user feedback into templates as needed. ■ Continued training for new hires. ■ Continued to develop REVIT libraries: ○ Developed and expanded Light Fixture library for BIM and 3D application. ○ Developed and expanded Fire Alarm families for BIM and 3D application. ○ Continued to develop container files and detail libraries of Revit details for teams’ use. ○ Continued development of multifamily and self-storage REVIT standard. ■ Developed new tools to be incorporated in work flow: ○ Developed Structure/Architecture copy/monitor and column
grid ownership standards for all projects. ○ Will expand copy/monitor and column grid ownership standards to include items from MEP in 2024. ■ Provided support in the hiring of a BIM Manager: ○ Provided questions and skills desired in the a BIM Manager. ○ Participated in candidate interviews.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Name (C) Name Name Name Matt Colson (C) Micah Barron Doug Campbell Jorge Canelo Marshay Ryan Brian Skelcher
ADVISORY Christen Robbins
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