BL Companies | Employee Handbook | 2022

Internet Use ▪ BL Companies’ network, including its connection to the Internet, is to be used primarily for business- related purposes. Any unauthorized use of the Internet is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use includes, but is not limited to: connecting, posting or downloading pornographic material; engaging in computer “hacking” and other related activities; attempting to disable or compromise the security of information contained on BL Companies’ computers; or otherwise using BL Companies’ computers in a manner which interferes with their business purpose. ▪ Anything sent through the Internet passes through a number of different computer systems, all with different levels of security. The confidentiality of messages may be compromised at any point along the way. ▪ BL Companies reserves the right to monitor Internet use at its discretion. ▪ Because postings placed on the Internet display BL Companies’ address, employees should make certain before posting information on the Internet that the information reflects the standards and policies of BL Companies. ▪ Information posted or viewed on the

Internet may constitute published material. Therefore, reproduction of information posted or otherwise available over the Internet may be done only by express permission from the author. ▪ Employees may not establish Internet or other external network connections that could allow unauthorized persons to gain access to the Company’s systems and information. These connections include the establishment of hosts with public modem dial-ins, World Wide Web home pages and File Transfer Protocol (FTP). ▪ All files downloaded from the Internet must be checked for possible computer viruses. If you are uncertain whether your virus checking software is current, you must check with the IT Department before downloading. Vehicles Company vehicles are available for use by employees for Company-related travel. A gasoline credit card is available for each vehicle and employees are required to maintain the gas level for the next driver. If more than one (1) employee needs a vehicle and none are available, the employee will be reimbursed for mileage in a personal vehicle at the current Internal Revenue Service rate. However, if the Company vehicle is available and the employee opts not to use it, he or she will not be reimbursed for mileage. Please be advised that it is our Company policy that pets are not allowed in any of our BL Company vehicles.

Employee Handbook

Integrity 21

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