BL Companies | Employee Handbook | 2022

EXCEPTIONAL STRENGTH : Consistently exceeds job expectations and is recognized by peers and/or clients as a leader and positive example to others. STRENGTH : Consistently meets and occasionally exceeds job expectations. COMPETENT : Consistently meets job expectations. DEVELOPMENT NEEDED : Occasionally fails to meet job expectations. SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT NEEDED : Consistently fails to meet job expectations. Employees who receive ratings in this category should be counseled as to the parameters of acceptable performance and given specific action items to improve their performance within a reasonable time frame. NOT APPLICABLE : Not pertinent to the job that the employee is performing. JOB SKILLS SECTION : Each employee will be evaluated on the core job requirements. The comments section should include information on skills and performance; project awareness; quality; financial understanding and performance. EMPLOYEE OWNERSHIP BEHAVIORS : Each employee will be evaluated on internal and external conduct and the employee’s understanding of, and commitment to, Company culture and philosophy. LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES : Each employee can demonstrate leadership behaviors. These competencies are essential to leadership, at all levels, and to general day-to-day business practices.

Every employee is evaluated under the following rating system:

The evaluation contains the following four

sections. Taken together, they provide a complete basis to evaluate where each employee is and, just as important, a platform to facilitate continuing development.

Each employee will work with their supervisor to create goals for the upcoming year. These goals will, in turn, provide a basis for the evaluation the following year and they have to be SMART. For those employees who have participated in the Leadership Development Program, this is not a new concept.

Development & Training:

The more concrete, the better.

The goals must be as quantitative as possible and must satisfy each item listed to the right:

Will it be obvious if you are doing (or not doing) the behavior? Track progress.

Set yourself up for success, not failure. Break action into small steps.

Make sure your actions are directly connected to your skill area.

Establish a time frame (or number of times per day/week) for each action step.

Employee Handbook

Excellence 33

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