BL Companies | Multi-family Residential
Environmental Services
Environmental issues, whether contamination or resource assessments, often shape a project’s schedule or budget. They may even control the feasibility of the project. BL Companies offers a complete range of environmental science resources, combined with technical knowledge and expertise, to develop creative, cost-effective, responsible solutions that bring a client’s project to completion. Our diverse expertise in transaction-based problem solving, assessing and securing environmental permits, and navigating the myriad environmental resource assessment and permitting issues provides our clients with a single resource for environmental needs typically not found under one roof. The Environmental Team at BL Companies has substantial experience performing single-site to multi-site assessments for a wide array of public and private clients. Based on the needs of each project, we bring together a team of professionals from various environmental disciplines to address the needs of the client and the project. We understand the complexity and time sensitivity issues and can grasp a client’s objectives, identify problems, solve critical site issues and provide solutions. Natural Resources Management and Permitting ▪ State and Federal Wetland Identification & Delineation ▪ Jurisdictional Determinations ▪ Local, State & Federal Permitting ▪ Ecological & Habitat Evaluations & Restoration ▪ Threatened & Endangered Species Coordination & Studies ▪ Wetland Mitigation Design, Construction Oversight & Monitoring ▪ Stormwater Management ▪ National & State Level Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance ▪ Expert Testimony Site Assessment and Remediation ▪ Site Remediation & Closure ▪ Brownfields Redevelopment ▪ Hazardous Building Materials Inspection ▪ Environmental Compliance Audits ▪ Environmental Permitting & Compliance ▪ Phase I, II & III Environmental Site Assessments ▪ UST/AST Compliance ▪ Geophysical Investigations ▪ Water Quality Testing
Cultural Resource Management ▪ Consultation Under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act ▪ Archaeological Surveys & Investigations ▪ Historic Architectural Resources Surveys ▪ Tribal Consultation ▪ Geomorphology Studies ▪ Cultural Resource Desktop Review
Water Supply Management and Permitting ▪ Water Supply Development and Aquifer Testing ▪ Water Quality Testing and Monitoring ▪ Water Diversion Permits ▪ Wastewater Discharge Permits
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