BL Companies | Multi-family Residential


Former Masland IAC Site

BL Companies has been contracted to provide Subdivision and Land Development services for a 48-acre brownfield redevelopment site in the Borough of Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The project was developed as part of a public/private partnership, and will be transformed into a mix of commercial, retail, and residential uses. In conjunction with the Borough, a green stormwater design consisting of flow-through planters and soil cells was integrated into the streetscape design for the overall subdivision. Numerous constructed filters are being provided within stormwater management facilities to help reduce peak discharges from the site and enhance water quality. Other design services included the development of an Overall Master Plan, obtaining zoning relief for several lots within the Subdivision, securing approval of the Final Subdivision Plan, and obtaining an Individual NPDES permit for stormwater discharges. BL Companies was also contracted to perform environmental investigation and remedial activities on the site. Based on the past usage of the property as various manufacturing and industrial operations related to the automotive industry, several areas of environmental concern were identified. These include soil and groundwater contaminated with arsenic, solvents and petroleum compounds. Remedial investigative activities are being conducted to further delineate and remediate the impacts in order to demonstrate attainment of a Pennsylvania Land Recycling Program (Act 2) standard and cleanup liability protection afforded under Act 2.

LOCATION Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania

SERVICES Land Development & Environmental Services, Land Surveying

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