BL Companies | Multi-family Residential
SSG Development Mixed Use Storage Facility
Jamaica Plain is one of the first "streetcar suburbs” in America. Located immediately southwest of downtown Boston, it is home to a significant portion of Boston's Emerald Necklace of parks, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. When SSG Development and Construction LLC decided to build a four-story storage building in the community, town officials requested a larger vision that was consistent with the local context. As a result, the project evolved into a mixed-use development that also includes a building with three stories of apartments above a parking deck and a five-story building with retail on the ground floor and residential apartments above. A public park was also incorporated into the site plan. The resulting design was embraced by the Architectural Review Board and gained site plan approval. BL Companies is providing comprehensive design services with its in- house team from due diligence through construction administration.
LOCATION Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
SERVICES Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Land Surveying, MEP Engineering, Structural Engineering
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