Blast Newsletter-7

B L C O M P A N I E S I N C - - C L I E N T D R I V E N B L B L a s t Q u a r t e r l y E M P L O Y E E O W N E D

Ne ws lett er No . 7

May 2016

BL Appli cati o ns & So ft ware Te am

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Welcome to the TTC

What is the TTC, you ask? Well, it is the Technical Training Committee, of course! What is that? What do they do? Who are they? Well, sit right down for we have a story to tell.

The Team Chair Bob Celata (Architecture)

Jason Cadorette (Architecture) Doug Campbell (IT) Mike Fisher (Transportation) Mike Garon (Survey) Heather Halotek (Marketing) Kim Lesay (Environmental) Andy Loraw (Engineering) Philip Maheu (Architecture) Dennis Quinit (Transportation) Ken Yoder (Environmental) Erin Zelazny (Engineering) Al Busher (Engineering) Brendan Maurer (Engineering)

“Once upon a time …… ..”

Their Mission Advance Technical Skills in each of our disciplines to raise the quality of all projects.

“Think training ’ s hard? Try losing.” Nike


If you have not already experienced it or have seen it there happens to be a large amount of overlap between committee and efforts and this is why you will be seeing more overlap between Blast and the TTC. Training is a large and difficult topic since we have a lot of different focuses in different dis- ciplines using different software. (Phew!)

“ Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other”

. John F Kennedy

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