BL Companies // File Management & CADD Standards Manual
> > > TUTORIALS < < <
→ Steep Slope Calculation Instructions:
1. Bring in data shortcut for surface. 2. Right click on surface and select “Surface ProperƟes” 3. In the Analysis Tab, Select Slope for Analysis type. 4. Click the edit buƩon to the right of the legend pull down. 5. Under the data properƟes tab, click on the plus sign next to the slopes table. 6. Double‐click on the new column that was created. 7. In the text component editor, select surface range 2d area. Make sure you click the arrow to the right of the drop down or it won’t add the informaƟon to the column. Click ok. 8. Go to the informaƟon tab in the surface properƟes window. Change the surface style to C‐SLOPE BANDING (BL‐ CT). 9. In your home ribbon, go to the annotate tab. Underneath add tables pull down , select “ Add Surface Leg‐ end Table”. Follow the prompts in the command line.
Note: If you need the steep slopes within a certain boundary, you will need to create a new surface, paste the reference surface within the new surface and add a boundary. Then follow the steps above.
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