Opening day of trout season in central PA. Sitting around waiting for 8am to make the first cast and, hopefully, catch the first fish!
Bob Blickley Camp Hill Every Summer
I have far too many fantastic summer memories to pick just one as the favorite, but when asked this question, this memory popped into my head. I grew up in Brooklyn, NY, just a subway ride away from the beach and the world famous wooden rollercoaster – The Cyclone. In the summer of 2015, my parents celebrated their 70th birthdays and wanted to visit the “homeland” better known as the borough of Brooklyn. So, my sister and I rented a Limo, traveled to all our favorite old time spots and then ended the day with a stop in Coney Island. Three generations, in the front cars (some with their hands up) had a thrilling ride in celebration. The birthday girl and boy of course got first dibs on the first car.
Heather Halotek Meriden Summer of ‘15
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