LDEP Manager's Guide

360 FEEDBACK AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS 1. Fill yours out on time. 2. Make sure to write narrative comments. 3. Remember they will know which comments are from you. 4. Discuss results – let them lead. ▪ After debriefing with a member from Praxis Group and developing some overall areas to work on, they will set up a meeting with you. ▪ It is up to your participant to decide what headlines from the 360 to share. ▪ Ask them about both strengths and gaps. ▪ If you have particular areas,

2. Talk through the project with them ▪ Why is it strategically important? ▪ What steps will they take to research it? ▪ Who else in BL can they call on for help (e.g., marketing dept, BD, Executive Directors, people in other disciplines, etc.). 3. Check in to be sure they are finding time to work on their project. 4. Review and make suggestions on a first presentation draft. 5. Have them rehearse by presenting to you – give them constructive feedback to improve it. 6. If you observed their presentation to the Board, meet with them to: ▪ Ask how they felt about the presentation – What went well? What did they learn? ▪ Give them any feedback that you have: positive or constructive; follow the rules for effective feedback (above). Look for other opportunities (outside of LDEP) where they can develop consistently with their development goals POST PROGRAM 1. After meeting with the CEO and the facilitators after the program ends, make a plan for how you work with your participant to support their ongoing development. 2. You might ask to have them talk you through their Job Crafting plan and/or share their ongoing Development Plan.

yourself, where you think they have strengths or gaps, you can ask about feedback they got on those areas. goals around a couple of key areas – check in on how their doing with those, every month or so, and how you can further support them. Be sure to notice and comment on any specific progress you’ve seen.

▪ They will formulate SMART

PROJECTS 1. Each participant will be asked to define, research and deliver a presentation to BL’s Board of Directors on some topic, area, issue that has strategic importance to BL. Help your participant choose or define a project that is important to BL and one in which they have an interest. Final topics will be approved by the CEO and your Executive Director.


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