Safety Manual | 2023
7.9 Crystalline Silica Dust
Communications Communications during a pandemic involve both internal communications and external communications. Internal communication will be provided to Employees to educate them about a pandemic and measures they can take to be prepared. This will be coordinated through the HR Department.
Purpose The purpose of this Section is to provide a program in compliance with OSHA requirements for Employees who are or who are potentially exposed to silica dust at concentrations exceeding an Action Level of 25 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m 3 ) averaged over an 8-hour day. Scope Crystalline silica is a common mineral found in many naturally occurring and man-made materials, such as sand, concrete, brick, block, stone and mortar. Respirable crystalline silica is very small particles typically at least 100 times smaller than ordinary sand found on beaches or playgrounds. All materials containing silica can result in the presence of respirable silica particles when chipping, cutting, drilling or grinding takes place. Silica exposure occurs through inhalation of silica containing particles and could occur through many construction and general industry methods. The most severe exposures generally occur during abrasive blasting with sand to remove paint and rust from bridges, tanks, concrete structures, and other surfaces. Other activities that may result in severe silica exposure include jack hammering, rock/well drilling, concrete mixing, concrete drilling, and brick and concrete cutting/sawing. Exposure to excessive silica dust over long periods of time can result in silica-related diseases. This program only applies to Employees who are expected to be exposed to silica dust through the methods listed above. Policy BL Companies is required to provide their Employees with safe and healthful workplaces. Any time there is a potential for silica containing materials to be involved in a project, sources of silica must be assessed prior to disturbing. If airborne silica is expected to be generated during the project, a representative of the Safety Committee shall be contacted to evaluate potential exposure, assist with conducting exposure monitoring, and ensure all safety precautions are followed to minimize exposure to airborne silica dust.
Continuous updates through internal and external communications shall include:
· Notification to Employees of operational changes; · Frequent updates about the pandemic status; · Advisories and alerts as conditions change; · Contacts for vendors and suppliers; · Updates to clients; and · Updates as to local, state, and federal pandemic situations.
Managing During a Pandemic Management
During a pandemic, many Supervisors may be out sick or at home taking care of ill family. The Pandemic Preparedness Plan will include redundancy for these Supervisors if they are out for an extended period of time. Monitoring & Reporting BL Companies will monitor absenteeism and the number of ill workers. These numbers will be reported to Management to determine if further actions need to be implemented. Public Health Measures Access to vaccines and antiviral drugs during a pandemic will be extremely limited; non-medical interventions may be the only way to delay the spread of the disease. · Utilize good hygiene by following recommended protection and infection control measures. · Minimize exposure by avoiding public gatherings, public places, and areas considered high risk. · Update vaccinations including seasonal flu and pneumonia. · Keep physically healthy; eat right, drink plenty of fluids, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. · Maintain a positive mental attitude. · Stay home and seek medical care when sick. BL Companies will educate its Employees to the following measures during a pandemic:
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