Safety Manual | 2023

Gas Detection Only the Qualified Gas Tester will perform the atmospheric testing. All testing will be performed using equipment such as an LEL/O2 meter that measures combustible gas as a percentage of the lower explosive limit (“ LEL ”) and oxygen (O2) as a percentage of total atmospheric composition. Meters will be calibrated and/or tested immediately prior to use per the manufacturer’s recommendations and at least daily during hot work operations. Combustible gas and oxygen test readings must be documented and recorded on the hot work permit at the frequency required by the permit. If the LEL readings are acceptable, (< 10% LEL), a hot work permit may be issued. If hot work is to be performed within a confined space, the LEL must be 0% and the oxygen content must be greater than 19.5% and less than 23.5%. If 0% LEL cannot be obtained, an analysis of the factors affecting the LEL must be performed and written control measures developed that maintain the LEL at or below 10% before proceeding with the hot work. Fire Watch A fire watch is required in any location where the following conditions exist: · Appreciable combustible material in building construction materials or contents closer than 35 feet to the point of operation. · Appreciable combustible materials that are more than 35 feet away but are easily ignited by sparks. · Wall or floor openings within a 35-foot radius that expose combustible material in adjacent areas including concealed spaces in walls or doors. · Combustible materials that are adjacent to the opposite side of metal partitions, walls ceilings or roofs and are likely to be ignited by conduction or radiation. Firewatchers shall have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available and be trained in its use. They shall be familiar with facilities for sounding an alarm in the event of a fire they obviously cannot extinguish with the equipment available. A fire watch shall be administered for at least ½ hour after completion of the welding or cutting operation.

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Section 8 // safety practices & procedures //

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