Safety Manual | 2023

BL Companies // Corporate Safety Manual //

It has been recommended by insurance providers that in the event of an emergency and 911 is called, if local police have been to the office and are familiar with the layout, then the emergency response will be more effective. All BL offices may reach out to the local police department and invite officers to visit and become familiar with the respective BL office. Employee Assistance and Assessment While BL hopes no employee has the type of personal or professional struggles that rise to a level of violence, the Company urges all Employees to be aware of and sensitive to their fellow employees. If a BL Employee exhibits signs of loss, inability to manage stressful situations, a violent or intolerant attitude, feelings of isolation or persecution or a lack of interest in work performance or personal appearance, the Company urges that Employee to seek help through the Human Resources Department. The Company also urges that Employee’s co- workers who notice such signs to take action by contacting the HR Department in order to offer counseling to the Employee. BL partners with EAP Solutions, Inc. to provide employee assistance programs. Employees may contact EAP Solutions, Inc. directly at 1-800-526-3485. BL also strongly encourages all Employees to reach out to the HR Department if they see violent or abusive behavior being exhibited by any client, vendor, subcontractor, contractor or visitor. Coping with Someone who is Angry or Threatening If a client, supplier, subcontractor or co-worker does any of the following, follow the actions outlined below:

come to [location].” This will indicate that assistance is needed immediately at that location. For a person who is threatening or threatening with a weapon: · Stay calm. Quietly signal for help using the above code words. · Stall for time. · Keep talking but follow instructions from the person if he or she has a weapon. · Don’t risk harm to yourself or others. · Never try to grab the weapon. · Watch for a safe chance to escape to a safe area. Telephone Threats · Keep calm. Keep talking. · Don’t hang up. · Signal a co-worker to get on an extension. · Ask the caller to repeat the message and write it down. · Repeat questions, if necessary. · For a bomb threat, ask where the bomb is and when it is set to go off. · Listen for background noises and write down a description. · Try to get the phone number, name, location of the person calling. Live Shooter While BL never anticipates this situation occurring, the best prevention is planning. If a live shooter enters the building, the Department of Homeland Security urges the following plan – Run/Hide/Fight. If possible, Employees should escape from the area by getting out of the building, urging others to run with them and warning others not to enter. A designated area of reconnaissance will be determined for each office. If it is impossible to run, the Employee should hide. The Department of Homeland Security recommends hiding in a locked office with blinds shut, lights off and cell phones muted. Lastly, if it is thought that the shooter may enter, Employees should be prepared to fight with whatever means possible – desk chairs, equipment, scissors, heavy binders, etc.

For an angry or hostile person: · Stay calm. Listen attentively. · Maintain eye contact. · Be courteous. Be patient. · Keep the situation in control.

For a person shouting or swearing: · Signal a coworker for help.

· If necessary, use prearranged code words. The code words in all offices to be broadcast over the intercom, if applicable, are “Joe Able is in the building. Please

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