Safety Manual | 2023
BL Companies // Corporate Safety Manual //
debris, and efforts should be made to select take-off/ landing areas that are free of significant dust, debris and obstructions that could impact the rotor-heads and create a hazardous condition to the aircraft and mission team members. If at any time that the PIC, VO or other mission team member becomes incapable of participating in the mission due to fatigue, illness, medication or other similar condition, the PIC and mission team must terminate the flight and reassign the responsibilities of those team members that are no longer capable of participating. Post-flight Mission team members shall follow the UAV Operational Checklist to ensure that the aircraft is shut-down and properly stored. Any damage that may have occurred during the mission must be identified and the equipment taken out of service until proper repairs can be made.
Pre-flight During the mission, all mission team members shall stay clear of the rotors and shall maintain a safe distance from the UAV while in flight. All personnel that attempt to handle the UAV shall notify the PIC or mission team member operating the controls of their intentions and shall announce “Hands Off”. The mission team member handling the controls shall respond in kind, indicating that they acknowledge that the individual will be handling the UAV and that no hands can be on the remote controls while the UAV is being handled. This notification and verbal confirmation will serve to prevent injury due to rotating rotors-blades. The remote PIC or VO shall not operate any cellphone during the flight except for direct communication between the PIC and VO.
The UAV take-off/landing area shall be kept free of
UAV Operational Checklist
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