Safety Manual | 2024
BL Companies // Corporate Safety Manual //
BL Companies’ Safety Committee The Safety Committee is comprised of Employees from every discipline. The Safety Committee’s tasks are as follows: · Annually update the Safety Manual and present to all Employees on Safety Day; · Lead and document quarterly departmental safety meetings; · Review any incident that occurs during the year; · Annually review all incidents to assess trending as well as mitigation strategies; · Continually promote awareness of safety and compliance with safety measures.
Violation and Disciplinary Action To ensure a safe work environment, BL Companies expects Employees to follow rules of conduct that will protect the safety of all Employees and the Company. It is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable for a safe workplace. The following are some examples of infractions of rules of safety conduct that are subject to disciplinary action. Discipline for a first offense is at a minimum a verbal warning; for a second offense at a minimum a written warning and for a third offense at a minimum a written performance plan with regard to safety. Discipline at all levels may include termination of employment depending on the severity of the infraction. In all cases, the penalty to be applied is within the discretion of the Company: · Falsification of safety compliance and training records. · Failure to report an injury or incident in the workplace. · Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs and the unauthorized use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace. · Unauthorized possession, distribution, sale or transfer of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace. · Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace. · Boisterous or disruptive activity in the workplace. · Negligence or improper conduct leading to unsafe working conditions or damage of employer-owned property. · Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct toward other Employees, Management, or clients, especially failure to comply with safety requirements. · Smoking in prohibited areas. · Possession of dangerous materials, such as explosives or firearms, in the workplace.
The Safety Committee members for 2024 are:
Charlotte, NC Andrew Mueller Cherry Hill, NJ Mike McGowan Harrisburg, PA Jeremiah Jones King of Prussia, PA Rob Good Andrew Thompson Melville, NY Kevin Rodgers Norwood, MA Charlie Packer Dan Hodgkins Warwick, RI Dominick Celtruda
Meriden, CT Simon Disla John Jenney
Joy Kloss Jennifer Li Julia O’Brien Shannon Powers Kathy Rodo Peter Schirmer John Schmitz Will Thiel Jackie Torpey Hartford, CT Tom Beckman Kevin Kilguss Brandon Rojas Justine Ziobron Canton, OH Bob Cappelli
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