Safety Manual | 2024

BL Companies // Corporate Safety Manual //

8.3 Electrical Circuits and Equipment

electric circuits involved, or other protective measures, such as guarding, isolating, or insulating have been provided before work is started. If protective measures are provided, these precautions shall be installed by a qualified person and shall prevent Employees from contacting such lines directly with any part of their body or indirectly through conductive materials, tools, or equipment. Employees will not enter spaces containing exposed energized parts unless illumination is provided that enables the Employees to work safely. Where lack of illumination or an obstruction precludes observation of the work to be performed, the Employees shall not perform tasks near exposed energized parts. Employees shall not reach blindly into areas which may contain energized parts. If an Employee is working in an enclosed area where an electrical hazard may exist, he or she will be required to use a protective barrier or insulating material provided by BL Companies to avoid inadvertent contact with energized parts. Doors, hinged panels, etc. shall be secured to prevent their swinging into an Employee and causing the Employee to contact exposed energized parts. Employees shall handle conductive materials and equipment in contact with any part of their body in such a manner to prevent them from contacting exposed energized conductors or circuit parts. If an Employee must handle long dimensional conductive objects (such as ducts and pipes) in areas with exposed live parts, the employer shall institute work practices (such as the use of insulation, guarding, and material handling techniques), which will minimize the hazard. BL Companies requires the use of portable ladders containing non-conductive side rails if the ladders could potentially come in contact with energized parts. Employees will not wear conductive articles of jewelry or clothing unless they are rendered non-conductive by covering or other insulating means. BL Companies requires that buried electrical lines be located prior to excavation or other subsurface activities. When the exact location of underground electric power lines is unknown, workers using jackhammers or hand tools that may contact electrical lines shall be provided with insulated gloves, non-conductive handles and other protective equipment.

Purpose The purpose of this Section is to educate Employees on electrical safety. Scope This Section applies only to Employees who are qualified to work with electricity and electrical equipment or be in close proximity. Policy BL Companies will employ safety-related work practices to prevent electric shock or other injuries resulting from either direct or indirect electrical contacts when work is performed near or on equipment or circuits which are or may be energized or have been de-energized. Working Near Electricity The specific safety-related work practices shall be consistent with the nature and extent of the associated electrical hazards and may include one (1) or more of the following: De-energized Equipment BL Companies’ Employees shall not perform work on or near unguarded electrical circuits unless a qualified person has tested the circuit to assure there are no live parts, or that live parts to which an Employee may be exposed have been de-energized before the Employee works on or near them. BL Companies’ Employees will follow lockout/tagout procedures while exposed to contact with parts of fixed electric equipment or circuits, which have been de energized, and verified through testing, by a qualified person. Conductors and parts of electric equipment that have been de-energized but have not been locked out or tagged shall be treated as energized parts. Energized Equipment BL Companies will only allow licensed electricians who are experienced with the National Electrical Code to perform electrical repairs and/or installations, or to work on energized equipment. No Employees are to perform work near overhead lines unless the lines have been de-energized and grounded by the person or organization that operates or controls the

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