Safety Manual | 2024
BL Companies // Corporate Safety Manual //
is defective in some manner. It is the Company’s policy to require proper use and maintenance of tools and allow only those who have been properly trained to use power tools. Overview Employees must be made aware of the proper tool for every job. Supervisors should take immediate corrective action to minimize any unsafe acts or unsafe conditions that could or would result in an accident. Personal Protective Equipment All Employees using hand and power tools and exposed to the hazard of falling, flying, abrasive and splashing objects or exposed to harmful dusts, fumes, mists, vapors or gases, shall be provided with the particular PPE necessary to protect them from the hazard. Tool Care and Maintenance · All tools shall be placed in their proper container when not in use. · Defective tools shall be promptly reported to the Supervisor for repair or replacement. · Handles shall be kept free from splinters, burrs, etc. Handles should be tight on the head and not weakened by cracks or splits. · When power operated tools are designed to accommodate guards, they shall be equipped with such guards when in use. Power-Operated Hand Tools · Only Employees who have been trained in the operation of the particular power-actuated tool in use shall be allowed to operate it. · All tools shall be used with the correct shield, guard or attachment recommended by the manufacturer. · Power-actuated tools used by Employees shall meet all other applicable requirements of ANSI A10.3-2013, Safety Requirements for Explosive-Actuated Fastening Tools. · Electrical tools must have a ground pin intact unless it is double insulated. · When electricity is used, GFI’s are mandatory at all times. · Electrical cords must be heavy duty and ground pins must be intact. · Electrical cords must not be cut or damaged in any way. · Electrical cord plugs must not be pulled away from the ends. · Only 12 AWG or larger may be repaired. · Two-wire or flat cords will not be allowed on any job site.
Flame Resistant (FR) Flame or Fire-Resistant PPE is treated with chemicals and/ or made of material that resists igniting if the individual is exposed to fire or heat. Flame Resistant PPE may include but not limited to safety vests, work gloves, hats, shirts, pants and coveralls. FR PPE is required when specifically requested by client or subcontractor and in accordance with their specific policies. FR PPE must be worn when work on or within the immediate vicinity of a project requires a Hot Work Permit; see Section 8.2. At a minimum, FR PPE must be worn on and within the vicinity of any pipeline project. More specifically FR PPE must be worn: · On all brownfield projects including new pipeline construction, right of ways (“ROW”) and active pipelines. · When transitioning from greenfield project to an active facility. · Anytime a greenfield construction project comes within 500 ft. of an in-service facility or transitions to a brownfield project. Supervisors and Employees should be aware of the FR PPE requirements and strictly follow them as instructed. At no point should an Employee enter a project, facility or ROW without the required FR PPE or other PPE. If an Employee does not have the required FR PPE, they should halt work and immediately contact a Supervisor. An Employee may also be required by the client to wear orange FR PPE during hunting season. The required FR PPE clothing and rating may vary depending on the client and/or the project. Project Managers,
8.11 Tools
Purpose To provide for the proper education and training of workers using all power operated tools in an effort to reduce the number of accidents generally involved with the use of these types of tools.
Scope This Section applies to all BL Companies’ Employees.
Policy Accidents are often caused by an Employee’s failure to use the proper tool for a job, or by the use of a tool that
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