Safety Manual | 2024

Lyme Disease Ticks

Lyme Disease Rash

Shake and vacuum floor mats regularly. If the vehicle has carpet floor mats it might be a good idea to replace with inexpensive mats treated with Permethrin or temporarily replace with rubber mats. Helpful hint: ticks may crawl between the boot laces and the tongue of work boots and transfer to the vehicle that way. Treating laces with Permethrin may help. TICK REMOVAL Because it takes several hours of attachment before microorganisms are transmitted from the tick to the host, prompt removal of attached or crawling ticks is an important method of preventing disease. Lyme disease which is prevalent in the northeast does not transfer from the tick to a host for 36-48 hours after attachment. Remember, folklore remedies of tick removal do not work. Methods such as the use of petroleum jelly or hot matches may actually make matters worse by irritating the tick and stimulating it to release additional saliva or regurgitate gut contents, increasing the chances of transmitting disease. The best method to remove an attached tick is with a set of fine tipped tweezers: · Use fine-tipped tweezers. When possible, avoid removing ticks with bare hands. · Grasp the tick as close to the skin surface as possible and pull upward with steady, even pressure. Do not twist or jerk the tick as this may cause the mouthparts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove mouthparts with the tweezers. · Do not squeeze, crush, or puncture the body of the tick because its fluids (saliva and gut contents) may contain infectious organisms. · After removing the tick, thoroughly disinfect the bite site and wash your hands with soap and water. · Disinfect the tweezers.

TICK CHECKS Conduct frequent tick-checks. This includes a visual inspection of the clothing and exposed skin, followed by a full-body examination in a private location. Be sure to check the scalp, behind and in the ears, and behind any joints. Tick checks should be conducted at an appropriate frequency based on the site conditions. Field team members should use the buddy system to aid in checking for ticks when in the field. Exercise Stop Work authority for BL Employees if site personnel are not equipped with all prescribed, site specific PPE, including appropriate insect repellent. When ineffective PPE or mitigation measures are identified, exercise Stop Work authority for BL Employees, conduct additional hazard assessment and identify appropriate mitigation measures, such as replacing tape with Velcro ® straps to secure pant cuffs and sleeve cuffs, and the use of additional insect repellent such as Permethrin for clothes in addition to DEET for skin, or the use of an integrated boot coverall underneath clothing. Discuss changing site conditions with all site personnel and actively solicit feedback from team members on appropriate, additional mitigation measures and hazard control measures. Document mitigation measures and PPE upgrades, if any, in the HASP or JHA and review/discuss the changes in the next tailgate meeting. TICK CONTROL MEASURES: TRANSFER INSIDE A VEHICLE Objective: Prevent ticks from transferring from Employee to vehicle then back to Employee after preventive measures are removed. If coveralls are used, remember to conduct a tick check and remove the clothing prior to entering a vehicle. Coverall’s can be re-used in the same day if thoroughly inspected but in general, they should be placed in a bin or bucket and washed as soon as possible. Avoid using a coverall for more than one day at a time.

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