Safety Manual | 2024
Section 10 MEDICAL SCREENING & SURVEILLANCE GUIDELINES Purpose The purpose of these guidelines is to prevent occupational illness and injury by early identification of exposure related health effects and applying appropriate corrective or protective measures before they result in disease. Scope These guidelines apply to Employees assigned to work in environments where there is a potential for exposure to certain chemical, biological, and/or physical hazards. They may also apply to Employees who join BL from companies where they have had such exposure. This program is limited to the HAZWOPER requirements under 29 CFR 1910.120. Policy Individuals will be selected for medical screening based on regulatory standards, HASPs, completion of the MSQ, the expected use of PPE and client contract requirements. Medical examinations will be performed to determine a new hire baseline and/or pre-assignment baseline and whether the Employees are capable of safely performing assigned tasks, to verify that protective equipment and controls are effectively providing protection, and to comply with government regulations. Included are provisions for emergency medical consultation and treatment. Medical exams are limted to employees enrolled in Medical Surveillance Program. Implementation Implementation of these guidelines is the responsibility of the Safety Committee and Supervisors directing work associated with these activities. The Safety Committee is responsible for development and administration of these guidelines in coordination with a selected Medical Service Provider(s) (MSP). The Safety Committee Human Resources Representative will maintain current injury and illness data, and participate with Safety Committee representatives in evaluating the program.
Requirements Selection of Program Participants · The MSQ form provides the primary guidance for determining whether medical screening is required for an Employee. The MSQ is to be completed by all Employees and the Safety Committee Designee with sign-off by his or her Supervisor at the time of hire. For any Employee for whom it is known that he or she may definitely qualify for the medical surveillance program, it may be completed by his or her Supervisor prior to employment. If an Employee’s job responsibilities change over the course of employment such that the employee may need to be entered into the program, an MSQ should be completed at that time to evaluate. · Additional site or project-specific biological monitoring or toxicological screening may be required in addition to this program’s scheduled core exams. These medical tests would be specified by a project specific HASP or by a client and will be noted by the MSP on the exam appointment protocol. Types of Medical Screening and Surveillance Exams · A baseline or pre-assignment baseline exam will be conducted prior to the start of work assignments requiring medical surveillance. · Periodic exam schedules are established by the MSP and/or Supervisor based on Employees’ anticipated exposure using the following criteria: Employees performing the following types of work will receive annual exams: construction activities in the exclusion zone of HAZWOPER sites; field work activities in the exclusion zone of HAZWOPER sites for 30 or more days per year; projects involving use of a respirator; or projects involving exposure to materials regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) at or above established action levels such as silica dust and asbestos. Employees performing the following types of work will receive biennial exams: field work activities at HAZWOPER sites less than 30 days per year; waste disposal activities; non-HAZWOPER environmental sampling; or chemistry work, pilot plant projects, or bench scale operations for 30 or more days per year.
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