The Owners' Manual | Issue 11 | Fall 2017
Congratulations to the September 2017 Graduates of the Leadership Development Foundations Program. At the end of September, 32 Employee Owners gathered in Bristol, CT to attend the three-day seminar to learn about the foundations of leadership.
Did you attend the Employee Owner meeting on September 8 th ? We had the opportunity to recognize and celebrate Jen Marks & Bob Roper for 25 years (wow!) of service. Our President & CEO, Carolyn Stanworth, demonstrated some pretty cool Virtual Reality technology that we’ve been using on some of our projects.
Liz Augustine, a Marketing Coordinator in the Meriden office, retired on September 15 th (BL’s 3 rd official retiree!). We gave her a proper send-off, complete with cakes & cupcakes and a little roasting from Carolyn & Heather.
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