The Owners' Manual | Issue 11 | Fall 2017
In the meantime, have you thought about Client Care today? Have you changed any of your behaviors because of the training? Have a look at the Care Competencies and think about the things you can do to improve our Client Care and the experience of working with BL Companies. Sure, there’s a lot to remember. There are nine Care Competencies, each with multiple behaviors related to them. But, we’re just getting started. That’s why you’ll be hearing and seeing more about this. Soon we will post the training presentation
you participated in on the BL Extranet. We’ll also post the Care Competencies there, which will include the revised Client Care definition. Client Care will also be included among the other components in the Orientation program for new employees. The 2018 Cohort meetings may also include Client Care as a topic for discussion. For those with greater responsibility for external Client Care, we will be planning some additional training in 2018. So,“Got client care?”
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