The Owners' Manual | Issue 13 | Summer 2018
Sam Haydock and Jen Marks attended the 25th Annual New England Energy Conference and Exposition in Massachusetts.
Jess Osborne (along with Rai Muhlbauer, Mark Heeb & Dan Salameda) attended the NAIOP I.CON Conference in Jersey City, NJ - this was BL’s first time attending the show, but it won’t be our last!
Holly Linder, Blair Richardson and John Schmitz represented BL at the STEM Career Fair.
We love pictures of our employee owners! Please send them our way to share in the next newsletter (Heather Halotek or Jess Osborne)
Some BL gear made its way to the top of Mt. Washington in NH worn by Bob Klein (Bridgeport office) and Michele Smith (Meriden office) - cool!
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