The Owners' Manual | Issue 14 | Fall/Winter 2018

Thanksgiving has been THE big holiday in my family since I was a kid. Once my younger son Brodie began playing football in high school (2008) we took over hosting the day since we had to be home for the annual Carini Bowl in Wallingford. From that point, every year, on the day after Thanksgiving, we take a picture of the “kids” for that year’s Christmas card. Each year we pick a different spot, we’ve taken them at Hubbard Park, Hammonasset, Lighthouse Point, Chatfield Hollow, Sleeping Giant, even our own back yard. We also mix in some completely wacky shots (in 2013 we were at Hammo, it was brutally cold, my sons and I may have posed topless, and then my oldest may have polar bear plunged for giggles ... those pictures are sealed for everyone’s protection) 2016 was the first year any of the “kids” were away for Turkey day, so we had to play with the format a bit, and a now-ex-girlfriend made it onto the card for a first, and last, time. That picture is not included.

- Pat Corless, Meriden

My youngest cousin helps me pick out and decorate my Christmas tree. We get too much Chinese food and have “fancy drinks” (Raspberry soda and a scoop of sherbet) while we decorate. When we are done, we drive around town looking at Christmas lights to get the full festive experience. This year will be our 7 th year enjoying our tradition. - Suz King, Norwood

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