The Owners' Manual | Issue 14 | Fall/Winter 2018
If you are not already aware, the IT Department has been updating the Bluebeam software from 2017 to 2018. If you are not yet on the 2018 platform, please contact and coordinate with the IT Department . Bluebeam has published several videos associated to several key functions. These videos can be found within the HELP > TRAINING RESOURCES page. We would suggest that you watch the first of the series INTERFACE and NAVIGATION > FILE ACCESS before reviewing the other content that they have published as training material. ACTIONS / LINKS / HYPERLINKS In many applications, you have the ability to insert actions, links or hyperlinks to data or locations such as starting or sending an email, accessing web pages and other external documents or areas within your document. This option has been around for a long time and really does not get the attention it deserves. These links can greatly improve the usability of your file(s) by minimizing browsing and allow the user to JUMP to what you want them too quickly and accurately. In Bluebeam there are different options of providing links. The one we will be discussing here is the general link option. The LINK feature is located on a toolbar directly under the TOOLS menu (Green Paperclip).
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