The Owners' Manual | Issue 14 | Fall/Winter 2018


October is nationally recognized as ESOP Month, where the ESOP Association and employee-owned companies like ours celebrate being an ESOP. BL uses this month to continue to promote our ownership culture, strengthen camaraderie and internal relationships, increase awareness and understanding of our ESOP, and celebrate our employee-owners for all their hard work. This past October was no different, and while ESOP Month is sadly over for another year we can still look back on all we’ve done!


“BL Gear Day” is a day for our employee-owners to show off their BL pride! Some offices also took advantage of the opportunity to snap their annual office-wide photo.

It wouldn’t be ESOP month without our annual happy hour and raffle to close out the festivities! All the events, competitions, and challenges earned participants raffle tickets culminating in a company-wide drawing, complete with lots of food, refreshments, and camaraderie.



Above: Hartford Office Group Photo. Below: Meriden Office Group Photo.

Left: It took some creativity to secure Meriden’s food for transport! Right: After unwrapping the food and car, Meriden sets up for their happy hour smörgåsbord.

Offices gathered in groups to watch a movie of their choosing. Below: The Meriden office (+ some friends and family) attended the film “Halloween” at a nearby movie theater.


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