The Owners' Manual | Issue 15 | Spring 2019
How do you ask for the next job?
MUHLBAUER | That depends so much on who you are asking and how well you know them. If they are new contacts, work on building a relationship first. Show them you care about them and have made an effort to understand their needs. Working with that as a platform you will come to a point where you’ll know it’s OK to ask for an opportunity to provide services. On the other end of the spectrum, if you have an established relationship with a client you can simply check in with them and let them know how much you have appreciated past opportunities and how much you enjoy working with them. Then ask if they have any current or near-term needs you can help them with.
CARLSON | First it depends upon our relationship with the Client. Have we done a lot of work with them? Have the projects been successful? Do I have a personal connection that has been established over time? If I have a great relationship I will flat out ask what is next? How can we help? If it is a newer client, I will remind them that we can
BLICKLEY | Depends on the client, but in one way that can be very successful- when the first project is going well- ask them what else they are working on next and how WE can HELP them get their next project moving… MANCINI | First you ask the client what else is in his or her pile of work. Then once they describe what they are chasing you for, explain how BL can be a good fit for the particular type of work.
help them and remind them of our services and office locations.
Show them you care about them and have made
an effort to understand their needs.
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