The Owners' Manual | Issue 15 | Spring 2019
Mike Fisher, Suz King and Nick Giardina represented BL at the MMA Annual Meeting in Boston!
Sam Haydock (Environmental / Meriden) was elected to the Board of the Environmental Professionals Organization of Connecticut (EPOC). Congrats!
See page 17 for an article on the Candygrams for a Cause. A group of employee owners from the Giving Back and ESOP Communications Committees gathered to assemble them all!
Jim Schrager (Survey / Meriden) was recognized by CALS for his contributions to the organization and his efforts to lead the pacing contest for the past several years at their annual meeting.
We love pictures of our employee owners! Please send them our way to share in the next newsletter (Heather Halotek or Jess Osborne)
We hope you enjoyed the heartfelt thanks coordinated by the Giving Back and ESOP Communications Comittees.
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