The Owners' Manual | Issue 20 | Winter 2021




WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO COME TO BL COMPANIES? After speaking with Bret and Barb J., and seeing their enthusiasm for the company and culture, along with the opportunity to grow with the company, I couldn’t pass on this amazing company TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF After living in Colorado for 19 years, where I met my husband John (first date was 6am game; I was playing in a hockey tournament) we moved to be closer to my family in VT. We have 4, very demanding feline supervisors. “retired CEO” MoChroi (Gaelic for my heart), Executive CEO Abby, my direct Su-purr-visor Susie, and office boy Hobbes. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY DOING IN YOUR FREE TIME? I make quilts on the weekends. Even though it doesn’t make sense to cut up fabric to sew it back together, it’s very relaxing to me. Especially when you have a quality control manager testing the product throughout production. DO YOU HAVE A TALENT OR HOBBY? I grew up on a dairy farm and participated in 4-H, showing and judging dairy cattle. WHAT IS A FAVORITE VACATION OR DREAM DESTINATION? Love visiting Ireland, 2 trips so far seeing different parts each time. Next trip will be to the northern counties and Northern Ireland. WHAT IS ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE QUOTES? “Mommy just slapped daddy at the dinner table.” – Marvin in RED 2. IF YOU WON THE LOTTERY, WHAT’S YOUR SPLURGE? Build a cabin in the woods on the family farm in VT and a second holiday home in Dingle, Ireland.


WHAT DO YOU MISS MOST ABOUT BEING A KID? Being able to fall down and not hurt myself. DO YOU HAVE A TV BINGE/ MOVIE/BOOK/MUSIC WORTH RECOMMENDING? I love to learn about WWII. “Roosevelt’s Secret War” – about the creating of the OSS, the first central intelligence agency. “The Women Who Wrote the War” is an amazing book about the female war correspondents and the barriers they had to break thru. And finally, “The Pillars of the Earth” – best first line.


issue 20 // 9

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