The Owners' Manual | Issue 20 | Winter 2021
I met Carlos Valderrama, also known as El Pibe. He is a Colombian former professional footballer. He was in the 1998 World Cup. I saw him at an airport in Colombia while I was doing a layover.Very nice guy and humble.We took a picture together.
RonaldTerrones, Meriden
Every year my family has a Christmas tradition of doing some shopping in Northampton, MA. My kids never miss out on hitting the tiny candy store located on the corner of the main street, and when I say it is very tiny – it fits candy and a few customers. During our 2016 visit, when the boys were just 11 and 14, it was just us in the shop – searching for gummy bears and wax bottle treats when another two people entered. My son Riley (14) tugged on my jacket and said – “I think that’s Jane Doe.” It should be noted that at the time, my son only watched one show on TV and that was Blindspot on CBS.As a teenage boy – this most likely had to do with its attractive lead character and the action sequences. But we both knew which one of the two was the “real” reason. I whispered to him to
go say “hello” as it was hard not to notice them entering the 15 x 20 ft shop. He said,“no way am I doing that.” But I knew how much he liked the actress and as the embarrassing mother of a teenage boy – I went up to her and said,“I hate to bother you but are you Jane Doe?” I did not know Jaime Alexander’s name until she replied – yes, I’m Jaime. – I told her (with my two blushing boys hiding behind the sweets) – that my son hasn’t missed an episode and loves the show.At that point she went up to Riley and started telling some of the secrets of what was to come and about an action sequence she just filmed on a motorcycle.The other person she was with in the candy store was the stunt coordinator from the show. Needless to say, before we parted ways with our candy in hand, I asked if we could take a photo and she was so kind, and obliged. I love this photo because she was so sweet to the boys and the sign says it all.
Heather Halotek, Meriden
issue 20 // 27
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