The Owners' Manual | Issue 20 | Winter 2021


WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO COME TO BL COMPANIES? The team – for me it’s about people and knowing that you can spend 8+ hrs a day and create a new analysis / product for the client. TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF I was born in Poland and moved to the USA as a teenager. I had the pleasure to attend New Britain High School and UCONN for both of my degrees (BS & MS). I’ve always had pets living with me but at the moment I must be content with wild birds that visit my feeder everyday and bee hives that are tended to by others. WHAT DO YOU ENJOY DOING IN YOUR FREE TIME? What free time? Unless I’m sick, I’ll always find something to do, even if it means binge watching a show while I’m trying to get over a cold. Lately, I’ve been attending to house projects around my parents’ house. WHAT IS A GOOD PIECE OF ADVICE YOU’VE RECEIVED? Do what you love and remember always family first! DO YOU HAVE A TALENT OR HOBBY? I did some calligraphy as a kid, so I can hand draw say Italic for wedding invitations / diplomas /etc. I’ve always been active gardener. WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Something with numbers as I’ve always liked math. Only in high school / college I’ve finalized my search.

WHAT IS A FAVORITE VACATION OR DREAM DESTINATION? The world – more specifically sail around the world. WHAT IS ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE QUOTES? “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” Or more recently quote our family lives by “it takes a village to raise a kid” IF YOU COULD LEARN TO DO ANYTHING, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Another language. I F YOU WON THE LOTTERY, WHAT’S YOUR SPLURGE? Sail around the world. WHO INSPIRES YOU AND WHY? It could be anything and/or anyone – a small grassroot event or a person who perseveres through obstacles. Depends on the moment. HAVE YOU EVER HAD SOMETHING HAPPEN TO YOU THAT YOU THOUGHT WAS BAD BUT IT TURNED OUT TO BE GOOD? My 6 month vacation due to Covid-19 and being stuck abroad. At first I must admit I was frustrated, but as the time continued I’ve appreciated the fact I got to spend extended time with my father and childhood friends. (see photos – I truly had a great time even with social distancing & no travel restriction) WHAT’S THE HARDEST THING YOU’VE EVER DONE? N / A – I don’t believe in rating things like that. Life only gives you what you can handle, some things may seem harder than others, but in the end the path you made was yours.

issue 20 // 7

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