The Owners' Manual | Issue 21 | Spring/Summer 2021


about entertainment opening up more, as we enjoyed going to Off-Broadway plays at PPAC in RI or seeing the Red Sox play at Fenway. We also visit my family often and uphold many family traditions. Despite Covid, we still do a Zoom with my family shelling almonds on Thanksgiving eve. What is a good piece of advice you’ve received? My parents have several sayings they like to use when giving advice in more challenging situations, like this too shall pass. A favorite is asking how do you eat an elephant. One bite at a time. No matter how big the task, break it down into manageable parts. It will be less overwhelming and add a level of accomplishment I wanted to be a veterinarian until high school, which is likelywhywe have somanypets. I love animals. However, I did not enjoy the darker sides of the profession and found a passion for architecture in high school. What is a favorite vacation or dream destination? We love to travel. Our favorite vacations are the trips to Disney, especially visiting Cinderella’s castle where my husband proposed, and the Mediterranean cruise we did for our honeymoon. Do you have a talent or hobby? Pre-kids, I had a lot of hobbies. I ran 5Ks, played tennis, and went skiing. Photography is one of my hobbies when I have the time. It’s a good thing Disney has photographers because I am usually the one taking pictures. What is something you learned in the last week? Or since joining BL? Prior to coming to BL, I worked with a team that started in person and then went to remote. In that situation, I had to adapt to the remote environment, but I understand my team’s strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. Starting with BL required learning of both the system and the people remotely. I have learned how challenging it is to learn more about one’s colleagues when only working remotely. as each part is addressed. What did you want to be when you grow up?

What made you decide to come to BL Companies? The organization’s values aligned with mine, and I liked the idea of an employee-owned company. Tell us about yourself I am originally from Prospect, CT. I went to college at Roger Williams University and decided to stay in Rhode Island. I reside in West Greenwich with my husband and my two daughters, 3 and almost 7, as well as four cats and a 75-gal fish tank. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I enjoy spending time with my family – being outside, going to the zoo, playground, or aquarium. Also, my husband and I are excited

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