The Owners' Manual | Issue 25 | End of Summer 2022

What is one of your favorite quotes? “Don’t Give Up, Don’t Ever Give Up” – Jim Valvano

If you won the lottery, what’s your splurge? If I won the lottery, I would splurge on a boat.

Who inspires you and why? My parents inspire me because of their work ethic and devotion to our family.

What do youmiss most about being a kid? I miss having less responsibility and living life on a whim.

Do you have a TV binge/Movie/Book/Music worth recommending? I generally don’t have the attention span to binge TV shows, but my wife and I binge the TV series Friday Night Lights often. What is something you learned in the last week? Or since joining BL? I have learned a lot about ITE Trip Generation, Civil 3D, and MPT standards in various states.

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