Congratulations on spreading the kindness in honor of our 30
anniversary! BL's employee owners shared a lot of kindness - we hope it
was contagious and will continue throughout the entire year (and many
years to come). Here's just a sample of some of the ways we left our
mark on our communities and in our offices.
Received a hug when I needed it most!
Thank you.
Cleaned up food trash left on the
ground in a parking lot.
Donated to Pets Alive for their cat’s
medical bills
28 people gave blood & that rocks
Thank you for the coffee pick-me-up!
Donated blankets and dog food to
Humane Society
Picked up trash on the beach
Helped Southwest Airlines direct
passengers to their flights after their
computer system crashed.
I am thankful for having another
retirement plan (ESOP)
Donated kitten food and litter to local
animal shelter
Thank you for the delicious blueberries
– freshly picked, yum!
Picked up a bagful of trash while walking
my dog
Helped search for a missing dog.
Gave an elderly woman my seat on the
Chased down a man who left his
sunglasses on a table next to me at a
Helped someone get something off the
top shelf at the grocery store
Thank you for the Starbucks treat!
Gave a bicyclist my first aid kit after he
fell off his bike and injured himself
Gave a homeless man at a gas station in
Waterbury some money
Volunteered at CT Food Bank!
Got heady topper unexpectedly from a
coworker, awesome treat!
Rescued an injured dog and got it back
safely to its family after running away
Held the door open for UPS & FedEx
delivery men
Treated two coworkers to lunch
Bought another intern a doughnut!
Mud volleyball for charity
Saved a seat for someone at a meeting
Gave up my aisle seat on a plane and
moved to a middle seat so 2 young
siblings could sit together.
Helped a contractor who was locked
out of the building.
Brought in supplies
One of my coworkers brought me lunch
today! Thank you S.K! I truly appreciate
Donated blood
A man atWest Haven train station was
trying to pay for parking…and make the
train that was pulling into the station. I
told him go make your train…I’ll take
care of your parking.
Walked a pup at Meriden Humane
Bought my cousin shoes when she didn’t
have money
Paid for coffee at D+D in drive-thru
Thankful for ESOP and afternoon ice