The Owners' Manual Newsletter | Issue 23 | Winter 2022

Do you have a TV binge/Movie/Book/ Music worth recommending?

I would whole heartedly recommend “Why Nations Fail” by Acemoglu and Robinson (an economic history of the world). A fun read “Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life” by Czerski (where one can find out, for example, the physics of popcorn popping…quite lovely), “Child of the Dark” Maria Carolina de Jesus (the hardship of Brazilian slums) and the list goes on. I have a stack of books recommended by others I still haven’t gotten to.

What is something you learned in the last week? Or since joining BL?

What have I learned in the last week? What I learn every week and never accept: all the things I run away from catch up with me and turn out to be the best thing ever (aka Christen R. convinced me to come to the Meriden holiday lunch and it was so great meeting everyone in person)

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