WTS CT Fall 2021 Newsletter


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Kenya Rutland, Principal and Chief Enthusiasm Officer, KJR Consulting and Steph Bogue, WTS-CT Diversity & Membership Chair

WTS-CT worked with local Girl Scout Troops to host a virtual event for girls ages 7-12 called “Road Eats.” Board members provided a 45-minute session covering the basics of Civil Engineering and “How As- phalt is Made.” The girls took a fun quiz on what makes a good engineer, watched a short video and then made “No-Bake Asphalt Cookies.” The process of making the cookies mimicked the pro- cess used to make asphalt. Girls put in as much or as little of the provided ingredients as desired. The girls then com- pared their “asphalt cookies” and talked about how adding too much or too little of cer- tain ingredients affected the cookie. By participating in this event, the Girl Scouts were able to earn an Engineering Fun Patch.

May 11, 2021

April 8, 2021

June 9, 2021

August 10, 2021

Coffee & Conversations Following the success of the first session in the DEI Series, the Diversity & Membership Committee realized a fo- llow-up event would be be- neficial to continue the con- versation. With a total of 12 attendees, participants were able to enage in an active discussion. The group shared experiences and strategies that can be applied in daily life. Overall, the conversa- tions emphasized the impor- tance of having a continuous dialogue for these topics.

DEI Session 1: Inclusive Leadership

DEI Session 2: Navigating Bias in the Workplace This session explained how the 20 types of cognitive bias directly impact people’s thin- king, decision making, and encouraged participants to reflect on their existing bia- ses. Participants learned how these can result in different types of microaggressions and the impact they have on indi- viduals. The 55 attendees were placed in breakout groups, each with a different case study, and took a closer look at the systematic biases woven into the example scenario. This session also shared micro-in- tervention strategies to use when addressing bias.

This first session of the DEI Series was focused on inclu- sive leadership in the wor- kplace. With a total of 48 at- tendees, participants learned about the six traits of inclusi- ve leadership and worked to understand the significance of our individual leaders- hip shadow. The breakout groups allowed participants to share their perspectives and encouraged everyone to reflect on how they can apply these leadership stra- tegies.

WTS-CT Student Outreach Committee

Diversity is a fact. Equity is a choice. Inclusion is an action. Belonging is an outcome. - Arthur Chan

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