WTS CT Winter 2022 Newsletter
ANNUAL AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIP BANQUET April 21, 2022 St. Clements Castle, Portland, CT
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Coffee & Conversations
September 13, 2022 The discussion was guided by viewing the TED Talk “3 ways to be a better ally in the workplace.” Writer and ad- vocate Melinda Briana Epler explains how being an ally for those who face discrimi- nation can improve people’s chances for success at work. In this actionable talk, she shares three ways to support people who are underre- presented in the workplace. Following the video, atten- dees participated in breakout conversations and a group discussion. The discussion was guided by viewing the TED Talk “4 ways to redefine power at work to include women of color.” Exposing the harmful repercussions of racist, to- xic organizational cultures, soul coach Rha Goddess and corporate inclusion visio- nary Deepa Purushothaman share four pathways to rei- magine work so women of color are centered as leaders. Following the video, atten- dees participated in breakout conversations and a group discussion. November 8, 2022
WTS CT was thrilled to return in person for the 2022 Annual Awards celebrating our friends and colleagues within our Connecticut transportation industry. Congratulations to our winners: Woman of the Year: Kimberly Lesay, Bureau of Policy & Planning, CTDOT Innovative Transportation Solutions: Superpedestrian’s LINK Shared Scooter System Employer of the Year: Jacobs Engineering Group Member of the Year: Jessica Fasi, BL Companies
May 10, 2022
The discussion was guided by viewing the TED Talk “The myth of bringing your full, authentic self to work.” Wri- ter Jodi-Ann Burey outlined steps toward exposing privi- lege and achieving true equi- ty on the job -- and implores those in leadership positions to accept responsibility for change. Following the video, attendees participated in breakout conversations and a group discussion. The discussion was guided by viewing the TED Talk “A feminist reimagining of Ken- ya’s public transport.” Brin- ging a feminist perspective, activist and TED Fellow Nao- mi Mwaura calls for a revolu- tion in public transportation by making routes transpa- rent, protecting passengers from harassment and paving a career path for women in the industry. Following the video, attendees participated in breakout conversations and a group discussion. July 19, 2022
Rosa Parks Diversity Leadership: Kenya Rutland, KJR Consulting Scholarship Recipients: Saki Rezwana, Emily Trezza, Aryanna Fontanez, Claire Sullivan, Monet Massey, Eiet Anaam
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