WTS CT Winter 2022 Newsletter
Membership Appreciation
Summer Social
September 1, 2022 Paradise Hills Vineyard & Winery
On September 1st WTS CT returned in per- son for the Summer Social at Paradise Hills Vineyard & Winery. This year the Student Outreach and Scholarship committee hosted a lollipop garden fundraiser which proceeds went to our scholarship fund.
October 23, 2022 Giuffrida Park, Meriden, CT
In October, WTS CT members and supporters experienced the beautiful fall foliage and vistas on Lamentation Moun- tain in Giuffrida Park in Me- riden while connecting with colleagues and enjoying the fresh air! The hike was about 3.5 miles long and was led by Jim Kulpa , VHB. Jim gave tons of tips on hiking and sa- fety to the group and shared things he’s learned over the years in his hiking trips and leading his son’s Boy Scout Group. We already can’t wait for next year’s hike!
Chapter Leadership Development
Headshots & Happy Hour
This year’s Chapter Leadership Develo- pment training was hosted in Kansas
November 14-16, 2022 Kansas City, MO
September 20, 2022 Elicit Brewing Co, Manchester, CT
City, Missouri and attended by people from chapters across the United States and Canada. The two day conference provided sessions on best practices for Chapter Leaders and panels to hear the experiences of industry leaders. It was fi- lled with many opportunities to network with the inspiring group of professionals in attendance. WTS CT Secretary, Steph Bogue , attended the training.
Members had a lively evening of ne- tworking with colleagues over drinks and dinner! This event was a wonderful way to celebrate our members and say “thank you” for their continued su- pport of our mission to advance women in transportation. Everyone took the opportunity to get their headshot taken and Brian Ambrose was an excellent photographer.
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