WTS Connecticut Spring 2021 Newsletter
Tuesday, October 6 October 6-8, 2020 TMS 2020 Session: Transit Recovery: COVID-19 Pandemic Keynote Speaker Julie Brown Address by CTDOT Commissioner Joseph Giulietti the Blind. The goal of this project is to work with the commission on understan- ding how new transportation technologies, such as AVs,
The reality about transportation is that it’s future-oriented. If we’re planning for what we have, we’re behind the curve. - Anthony Foxx
Wednesday, October 7 Networking Your Way to Greater Influence & Success presented by Julie Brown. Success is not a solitary act. tive, rapidly implementable tool to expand mobility and access in a community. Their strategic placement advan- ces smart growth principles by increasing transporta- tion choices, strengthening development opportunities, and fostering equity with reliable options for bus tran- sit-dependents. Presenters involved in the planning, designing, and construction of bus priority lanes will relay their experiences implemen- ting bus lanes, including bicycle facility integration, curb use implications, stake- holder/community engage- ment, the role of community advocates, pilot projects, funding, cost sharing, and public policy, drawing from project examples in Boston, MA, where several rapidly implemented bus lanes have already proven successful and more are currently in the works in response to CO- VID-19.
The most successful peo- ple have extensive networks around them to support them and promote them as leaders. You’ve heard of managing up... Networking can be even more powerful because it works for everyone--whether you work for and undersomeone else, or you run your own company and are at the top of your game. Learning objectives included how to: • Facts Gender Parity (or Disparity) • How Women Network Di- fferently Than Men • How to Build an External Network • How to Build a Network @ Work • Steps to Increase Your In- fluence • How to Stay Connected & Influencial During Social Distancing Session: Allies for Change – How Organizations Can Ad- vance Racial Justice, Inclusion and Diversity Presenters: Catherine Burns and Brian Burkhard Company: Jacobs Description: “The Projected Impact that Autonomous Vehicles (AV) Could Have on Vocational Rehabilitation Outcomes” is the for the Mas- sachusetts Commission for
Presenters: Lauren Bailey, Director - Climate Policy Felicia Park-Rodgers, Direc- tor - Infrastructure Company: Tri-State Trans- portation Campaign Description: • An analysis of transit’s recovery innovations and challenges • Current efforts to fund transit as well as how ad- vocates and community members may assist with efforts • A long-term projection of what will be necessary to continue to operate and improve transit Session: Public Transit & Mi- cromobility - COVID-19 Res- ponse, Transit-Only Lanes, and Floating Bus Stops Presenters: Eric Burkman, MBTA; Matt Moran, City of Boston; Sandra Clarey, Mc- Mahon Associates Company: MBTA, City of Boston, McMahon Associates Description: Bus priority lanes provide a cost-effec-
might impact job opportuni- ties for the visually impaired (legally blind). One aspiration for this project will be to help effectuate a path from the commission to AV developers, OEMs and even transit vehi- cle manufacturers so that the next generation of vehicles can better serve visually im- paired persons. Session: Regulatory and Policy Updates in NEPA and CEPA Presenters: Kevin Fleming and Lynn Murphy Company: CTDOT - Environ- mental Planning Description: • Recent regulatory chan- ges to NEPA and CEPA • An update on the Depart- ment’s efforts to update and streamline processing of • Categorical Exclusions • A status update on Envi- ronmental Justice Guidance
Thursday, October 8 Presenters: Erica Blonde, AICP, Environmental Planner, HNTB; Amy Getchell, Mana- ger of Construction Traffic
the wide variety of platforms available, our presentation will delve into how to evaluate various tools and customize the virtual public involvement process to meet community and project need. Remote work has created unique challenges for public involve- ment practitioners managing a large number of projects and stakeholders. We will set forth a solution for how to effectively conduct a public involvement process through use of centralized stakehol- der management and online meeting system.
Management, MassDOT; Leah Epstein, Environmental Plan- ner, HNTB Company: MassDOT and HNTB Corporation Description: The planning and strategy leading up to a virtual public meeting and how to keep stakeholders engaged after the meeting throughout project deve- lopment and construction. We will cover the do’s and don’ts of employing various strategies to ensure an equi- table and inclusive virtual public process. Recognizing
Session: Do’s and Don’ts of Virtual Public Involvement
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