2018 GOALS ■ ■ Continue to evaluate drone usage and software. ■ ■ Continue to evaluate various software and make recommendations on implementation and upgrades. ■ ■ Review status of 2018 AutoCAD software (Civil3D and Revit) versions. ■ ■ Continue to issue quarterly updates to promote awareness and education on BL Applications and Software. ■ ■ Review usage of updated CAD Templates and standards ○○ BL driven borders and templates ○○ Client driven borders and templates ■ ■ Continue to coordinate with the Technical Training Committee regarding software training. ■ ■ Re-introduce some CADD (Autodesk AutoCAD & Revit, Bentley Microstation) features/functions to assist project teams with some specific tasks and increase efficiency. ■ ■ Better support New Employee Orientation: ○○ Develop a go-to list for people with technical issues. ○○ Ensure CADD standards are being discussed within the given timeframes. ○○ Update Revit standards manual and conduct internal training to assist in orientation process. ■ ■ Continue communication of Deltek updates as they become available for staff. ■ ■ Ongoing check-ins with the subcommittees on progress, goals and issues. ■ ■ Environmental ○○ Preparation and review for drones. ○○ Developed Bluebeam template for Site Plans to have the look of our CAD drawings for those who don’t use CAD. ○○ Developed template for Boring Logs in Excel to avoid using a third-party application that requires extra licensing and training. ○○ Started a repository for sample reports to review formatting and to use as examples in creating new reports. ■ ■ Land Surveying ○○ Leica imaging Total Station usage. ○○ Leica infinity software and hardware update. ○○ Leverage of scanner and scanner data (on-going). ○○ Preparation and review for drones.
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