MISSION ■ ■ Develop and annually update Document Retention Policy. ■ ■ Seek to educate employees and lead by example as to best document retention and file management practices. ■ ■ Address ongoing needs in regards to the sending, sharing and delivering of documents. 2017 YEAR IN REVIEW ■ ■ Participated in Back to Basics Day by educating and reminding employees of the file structure and document naming conventions. ■ ■ Researched the signing and sealing regulations in all states where BL is licensed to perform services; created spreadsheet and posted on the F drive for all employees to use. ■ ■ Worked on discarding boxes of files in off-site storage areas.
2018 GOALS ■ ■ The Document Retention Committee does not have a specific task(s) for 2018. Rather it will meet three times during the year to discuss anything that falls under its purview – file naming and saving, scanning policies, scanning with regard to ARC, the Document Retention Policy, etc. It will also participate in BL Back to Basics Day.
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