BLeaflet // Sustainability Committee

SPOTLIGHT: Take a look at some ways Sustainability Members are practicing the 3 R’s:


1. Reduce/Refuse • “Moved away from large plastic laundry jugs and use TruEarth Biodegradable Laundry Detergent Sheets.” - Heather Halotek, Committee Chair • “I use cloth wrapping paper.” - Lisa Pavano, Member • “I use a reusable water bottle for travelling. Many airports have water bottle re-fuel stations.” - Anna Hamrick, Member • “I have smart thermostats that have schedules to lower the heat and raise the AC temps when I’m not homeduring the day or on vacation.” - Sarah Costagliola, Member 2. Reuse • “Bring your own grocery bags to the store and use reusable ziplocks or bees wrap for lunches.” - Sarah Costagliola, Member • “Instead of paper towels, buy more dish towels or buy re-usable/washable paper towels. I bought some and haven’t bought paper towels in months.” - Chelsea Strunk, Co-Chair • “Buy secondhand clothing/furniture/anything, or check for free items in online community/ neighborhood groups; it’s great to donate unwanted items and give things a second life.” - Samantha Schuetz, Co-Chair Ways to reduce the influx of single-use plastics: 1. Focus on one area of your life at a time. • Toiletries (shampoo/conditioner/lotion/soap bars instead of containers, toothpaste tablets, steel safety razors, plastic-free toilet paper packaging, etc.) • Kitchen (plastic-free paper towel or reusable towels, switch to steel or ceramic pans when its time for replacement, buy pantry items in bulk & keep in reusable containers, use beeswax food wraps, use eco-friendly food storage, and non-plastic coffee makers) 2. Buy quality items with longer lifespans when shopping for clothing or products. 3. Shop from farmer’s markets or stores where produce is not wrapped in plastic. 4. Buy in bulk to reduce packaging. 5. Switch to compostable packaging. 6. Find a refillable station for household products. 7. Curb the use of paper and go digital: mail, receipts, magazines (these can have plastics too!) 3. Recycle Properly • Check what types of materials your local recycling center accepts. • Clean and sort recyclables per local center’s requirements. • Donate or recycle used electronics. Tip: It can feel overwhelming to break habits of consumer behavior all at once! Try focusing on one shift at a time. Every little lifestyle change helps create a more sustainable future...

See the EPA’s guide to think green before you shop HERE!

This message is brought to you by the Sustainability Committee - Giving Back to the Earth.

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