LDEP Manager's Guide

Aligning Leadership, Strategy, and Culture

Please read through the Managers’ Guide for Supporting LDEP Participants and then answer each of the following questions. Have your completed workshop available for the Managers’ Program meeting. You will be asked to share your answers with a small group of those attending the session. Worksheet: Responsibilities of Managers of LDEP Participants

1. Overall: A. What is your overall reaction to your responsibilities as a Manager of one or more LDEP participants?

B. What about the Guide – its content, organization, and how you access it – seems most helpful to you?

C. What other resources would help you remember and apply your coaching skills when you most need them?

2. In terms of the expectations articulated in the Guide: A. Which of the responsibilities do you think will be easiest for you?

B. Which will be the most challenging? Why?

C. What steps can you take to address the responsibilities that will be most challenging?

Praxis Consulting Group 9 W. Highland Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19118 | praxisCG.com | 215.753.0303

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