
Cohort Meeting 2

Focus: Active Listening Skills • Check on active listening assignment (5 mins) • Discuss progress on goals (30-35 mins)

o Model active listening. Actively invite others to engage in active listening (Throughout)

• SMART goal exercise (10-15 mins)

o Tell people that so far we’ve asked them to apply the SMART goal concept to their individual development. But the SMART goal concept can (and should) be applied to other things as well. o Ask them to think about project they are working on. What are the goals (or subgoals) of the project. How could they make those goals SMART? Ask each person to write a project-related SMART goal. Ask a few people to share their goals (and discuss whether they could be SMARTer). o Finish by asking what SMART goals could do for their projects o Best practices (see slides) o Remind people of purpose: Providing people information about their behavior and the impact of the behavior SO THEY CAN MAKE A CHOICE about it. o Feedback model – (see slides) o Practice feedback at least twice between now and the next meeting. o We’ll discuss your practice episodes in the next meeting o When you have these exchanges, try to remember exactly what is said so we can work on it together in the next session. o Any questions?

• Review feedback (3 mins)

• Assignment (2 mins)

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