Safety Manual | 2024

Policy This Policy is intended to present information on the nature of bloodborne pathogens and OPIM diseases in an effort to assist Employees in reducing or eliminating their potential exposure in their work environments. Application to Construction Industry Even though the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard is basically an industrial standard and the construction industry, as a whole, is exempt from the standard, there is often an unrecognized Employee category to which the standard does apply even in the construction industry. This category consists of Employees who have the potential for occupational exposure, namely the Employee performing basic first aid and CPR. Application to BL Companies’ Employees It is BL Companies’ policy that Employees certified in First Aid, CPR and Bloodborne Pathogens and who have the necessary PPE available, are authorized to assist in the treatment of first aid injuries. Bloodborne Pathogen Plan This Bloodborne Pathogen Plan was prepared to eliminate or minimize Employee exposures. BL Companies will update the Plan as need be to reflect technological changes that will help eliminate or reduce exposure to bloodborne pathogens and OPIM. This written plan will be accessible to all Employees. Training All Employees designated as first-aid providers will receive training in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1030 that covers the dangers of bloodborne pathogens, preventive practices and post-exposure practices. Training will be provided annually and prior to initial assignment. Universal Precautions Universal Precautions is an approach to infection control. OSHA’s position is to treat all human blood, certain human bodily fluids and OPIM as if they were infectious for bloodborne pathogens. Consequently, in the event that an Employee renders first aid or administers CPR involving contact with a victim’s blood or other bodily fluids, occupational exposure is presumed. Appropriate Devices If necessary, BL Companies will make available devices that eliminate or reduce the bloodborne pathogen hazards from the workplace. These include sharps

disposal containers, self-sheathing needles and safer medical devices such as sharps with engineered sharps injury protection and needleless systems. Specimens of blood or OPIM must be put in leak-proof biohazard bags for safe handling, storage and transport. Annually, if applicable, BL Companies will document that it has considered and implemented safer medical devices, if feasible, and that it has solicited input from frontline workers in identifying, evaluating and selecting engineering controls. Work Practice Controls BL Companies will enforce work practice controls to reduce the likelihood of exposure by changing the way a task is performed. These may include appropriate procedures for hand washing, sharps disposing, lab specimen packaging, laundry handling and contaminated material cleaning. All equipment or environmental surfaces will be cleaned and decontaminated after contact with blood or OPIM by others. Personal Protective Equipment; Vaccinations & Follow-Up BL Companies will provide PPE such as latex or rubber gloves and masks at no cost to the Employees. PPE shall be used unless the Employee temporarily declines to use them under rare circumstances. BL Companies will repair and replace this equipment as needed. BL Companies will make available the Hepatitis B vaccine and vaccination series to all Employees who have occupational exposure within 10 days of exposure at no cost to the Employee. BL Companies will provide post-exposure follow-up to any Employee who experiences an exposure incident, at no cost to the Employee. This includes conducting laboratory tests, providing confidential medical evaluation, identifying, and testing the source individual, if feasible; testing the exposed Employee’s blood with their consent performing post-exposure prophylaxis; offering counseling and evaluating reported illnesses. All diagnoses must remain confidential and BL Companies will maintain an accurate record of these Employees.

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Section 7 // occupational health programs //

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