Safety Manual | 2024

BL Companies // Corporate Safety Manual //

At least one audible alarm type oxygen and combustible gas analyzer shall be located in the confined space for continuous monitoring. If the work prevents keeping the analyzer inside the confined space, periodic checks of the atmosphere shall be made. Other hazardous or toxic atmospheric readings should be taken periodically as deemed appropriate by the Entry Supervisor. Confined spaces may be entered without respiratory protection if: 1. Oxygen content is above 19.5%; 2. LEL is below 10%; 3. Contaminant levels are less than 50% of the lowest exposure limit; and 4. Continuous forced air ventilation or natural ventilation is sufficient to maintain those levels. If the confined space has only one (1) opening, air should be directed into the vessel with a flexible airline through a blower or air turbine. If the confined space has more than one (1) opening, air may be exhausted from the space, provided this method will completely flush the space. Retrieval systems shall be used whenever any person enters a confined space. A full body harness must be worn by all persons entering the confined space with a retrieval line attached to the entrant’s back near shoulder level or above the entrant’s head. If the retrieval equipment would increase the overall risk or would not contribute to the rescue of the entrant an exception may be granted by the Entry Supervisor. Even if a retrieval line will not be used, it is strongly recommended that the entrants wear a body harness. The harness will simplify rescue operations should they be necessary. Nitrogen or other inert gases must not be used or introduced into a confined space.

3. Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross- section (i.e. storage bins, silos); 4. Contains any other recognized serious safety hazard (i.e. electrical, mechanical, and radiation). Toxic Atmosphere – Atmospheric concentration of any substance that exceeds one of the following exposure limits: 1. Permissible Exposure Limit (“PEL”) published by OSHA or 2. Threshold Limit Value (“TLV”) published by the American Conference of Governmental Hygienists (“ACGIH”) Entry Requirements A confined space entry must not occur until the confined space is completely isolated, cleaned and cleared of all recognized serious safety hazards. This includes taking precautions to minimize risks from traffic or pedestrians. See Section 8.5 Working in State and Municipal Right-of Way. A sign stating “ Danger - Permit Required Confined Space, Do Not Enter ” must be posted at all accessible entry points. The atmosphere within the confined space must be tested for the following conditions with a calibrated direct reading instrument. The test must be done in the order listed below: 1. Oxygen content (within 19.5 to 23.5%). 2. Flammable gases and vapors (below 10% LEL reading). 3. Toxic air atmosphere (below contaminants exposure limit), any suspected known contaminants are to be tested. Confined space entry shall not be allowed if: 1. Oxygen content is below 19.5% or above 23.5%; 2. There is more than 10% LEL reading; or 3. Any toxic air concentration that exceeds any listed exposure limit. Tests of the confined space atmospheres must be conducted by persons knowledgeable in the operation of the direct reading instrument(s) used. A CSEP must be approved by the Entry Supervisor.

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