Safety Manual | 2024


complying with the requirements of this procedure.

The entry supervisor is responsible for authorizing the confined space entry permit (“ CSEP ”) and the personnel entering the confined space. Definitions Attendant – The person stationed outside the confined space who monitors the authorized entrants and performs all duties assigned by this policy. Authorized Entrant – An individual authorized by this policy and who has successfully completed confined space training that meets the requirements of 29 CFR §1910. Entry – The act by which a person passes through an opening into any permit required confined space. The person entering a confined space is considered to have entered as soon as any part of the entrant’s body breaks the plane of the opening into the spaces. Entry Supervisor – The person responsible for 1) determining if acceptable entry conditions are present in the confined space, 2) authorizing entry, 3) overseeing entry operations and 4) terminating entry as required by this policy. Hazardous Atmosphere – An atmosphere that may expose Employees to the risk of death, incapacitation, impairment to self-rescue, injury or acute illness from one or more of the following: 1. Oxygen concentration is below 19.5% or above 23.5% 2. Flammable gas, vapor or mist in excess of 10% of its lower flammable limit 3. Airborne dust at a concentration that meets or exceeds its lower flammable limit Permit-Required Confined Space – An area that has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (some examples include tanks, vessels, storage bins, vaults, pits and diked areas); is not designated for continuous Employee occupancy, is large enough to work in and has one or more of the following: 1. Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous or toxic atmosphere (i.e. tanks, pits, sewers, dikes); 2. Contains a material with a potential for 4. Any other atmospheric condition that is immediately dangerous to life or health

8.1 Confined Space

Purpose The purpose of this program is to establish the requirements necessary to assure the wellbeing and safety of Employees who are assigned to work in confined spaces. Scope This Section applies to only those Employees assigned to work in confined spaces. Policy No person, Employee or visitor shall enter a Permit Required Confined Space until the safety requirements of this Confined Space Entry Program are met. For ease of communication in this procedure, confined space will mean permit required confined space . Overview While general safety procedures must be applied to all confined spaces, there are particular procedures that apply only to permit required confined spaces . These require additional safety precautions as they may contain certain additional hazards, i.e. toxic atmosphere, possibility of engulfment or asphyxiation or other serious safety or health hazards. This procedure covers the necessary requirements to safely enter and work in a permit required confined space. operations (entrant, attendant and entry supervisor) must be familiar with this safety procedure and have received proper training. Any Employee who will be assigned to a project with a confined space must have proper Confined Space Entry training and certification per 29 CFR §1910.146. Such training shall be documented and be forwarded to the Human Resources Department. Responsibility All personnel who are involved with confined space

engulfment of an entrant (i.e. liquids or finely divided solids) which would cause drowning or suffocation;

All Employees involved with confined space entry operations are responsible for understanding and

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Section 8 // safety practices & procedures //

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