Safety Manual | 2024


BL Companies’ goal is zero incidents and injuries. By each Employee taking responsibility for his or her own safety and for the safety of fellow Employees, this goal can be achieved. 1.2 Job Safety Analysis & Project Specific Health and Safety Plans Purpose This Manual is not intended to provide all Health and Safety procedures and requirements for every given job site but rather to provide an overview of the procedures and policies related to day-to-day safety. The purpose of this Section is to provide guidelines for job safety analysis and, if necessary, the subsequent writing of a project-specific Job Hazard Analysis (“ JHA ”) or Health and Safety Plan (“ HASP ”) by qualified BL Companies’ Employees. Scope These guidelines apply to all BL Companies’ Employees and all BL Companies’ operations. Policy Careful planning assures that work is performed safely. Hazard analysis is a critical part of the work planning. Work planning ensures the scope of work is understood, appropriate materials and training are available, all known hazards have been identified, mitigation efforts (if needed) have been established and all affected Employees understand what is expected of them during the course of the work. Job safety analysis will be performed in accordance with the procedures set forth below. All JHAs and HASPs will be prepared in accordance with the procedures set forth below and reviewed by a qualified person designated by the Company’s Safety Committee. A job safety analysis is a technique that focuses on job tasks as a way to identify hazards before they occur or are encountered. The analysis focuses on the Employee, the task, the tools and the work environment. The employee will recognize the hazards identified in the JSA and take the necessary steps to mitigate the risks in accordance with the JHA or HASP. Job Safety Analysis (“JSA”) - What is it?

1.1 Policy Statement

Safety is a Company Responsibility.

All of the Employees of BL Companies, Inc. (the “Company”) share the responsibility for securing a safe work environment by supporting and implementing this Manual. Each Employee is expected to be concerned with his/her own safety, the safety of fellow workers and the safety of the general public. This means not merely willing acceptance, but active support of this Manual including adherence to all of its rules and procedures. Accidents are caused because someone did something he/she should not have done; or because someone failed to do something he/she should have done; or because a hazard was not recognized. These are human failures and can be controlled. Additionally, accidents can be caused by system failure which is the failure to have a procedure or policy in place to protect employees. By exercising self-control, every Employee has an opportunity to demonstrate his/her job skill. By passing on his/her knowledge to others, each demonstrates teamwork. By demanding safe performance and enforcing approved safety procedures, supervisory personnel demonstrate concern for their Employee’s welfare. Hazards represent conditions with increased potential to harm Employees or the general public. Each Employee has a duty to develop an awareness of potentially hazardous situations. Each Employee has an obligation to ensure safe execution of the work, to the extent possible, and to take appropriate action to minimize hazards and/ or in response to hazards. Such actions may include, but are not limited to, obtaining health and safety related certifications and training, following safety standards, alerting the appropriate person to a potential hazard and/or suspending/stopping work on a potentially hazardous activity until such time as proper health and safety procedures can be implemented. This Manual applies to all conditions of the workplace. As such, the workplace is defined to include a BL Companies’ office, job site, or project location containing one (1) or more work areas used by BL Companies’ Employees.

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Section 1 // company safety program //

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