The Owners' Manual | Issue 13 | Summer 2018
What was the best idea you heard at the conference? Many ESOP Companies are creating videos to help capture what employee ownership means at their companies. This conference provides a great opportunity to view many of those culture oriented videos. This is something our committee has discussed and been very interested in doing. Maybe 2018 will be the year we capture our video of what employee ownership means to our employee owners at BL Companies… Any last thoughts? GO ESOP GO!!!
Okay, so you probably already know Wayne. He’s been at BL for
to meet NEW ESOPs and their employee owners. I especially enjoy the small group conversations between sessions or during lunch where I can get into a discussion with another ESOP company about their culture and how they communicate the ESOP. I always share a few BL stories of how we do things and make sure to brag (a little bit) about the great things we have done and continue to try and do. What was your favorite part(s) of the conference? 1. Meeting with NEW ESOPs and their employee owners 2. Getting to know our NEW ESOP Communications Committee members. It is not every day you can spend 6-8 hours in a car with 4 of your fellow employee owners. What happens in DC, stays in DC…
15 years, has
been involved
with the ESOP Communications Committee since its inception and currently serves as Committee Chair. His reasons for joining the committee were two-fold – he wanted to learn more about the (then new) ESOP Plan and get more involved at BL. The committee presented a great opportunity for him to do both, and he’s enjoyed being a member & chairman ever since. What did you think of the conference? The conference always presents a great opportunity
Name: Wayne Violette Title: Senior Landscape Architect Department: Civil Engineering Office: Meriden
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