The Owners' Manual | Issue 13 | Summer 2018
Joe has been at BL for a
companies ran their ESOPs similar to us but others were completely different. What was your favorite part(s) of the conference? My favorite part of the conference was the round table discussions where we were able to hear more specifics about other people’s companies, what their ESOPs are like and how they are run. What was the best idea you heard at the conference? One idea I really like what that some companies provide projection calculators of how your ESOP account balance can grow. So, it allows people to job at awarding well deserving individuals and companies for their ESOP involvement. What was your favorite part(s) of the conference? The round table discussions with other companies. We were able to share ideas and issues that appeared to really connect with almost every company. Things such as: how to reach field staff and get them involved, etc. What was the best idea you heard at the conference? The best idea I heard was utilizing the entire committee as ESOP knowledge. Other companies provide training
see where their account could be in different year increments depending on a variety of factors. Another idea I liked was to give out “mock statements” at the same time as real statements to employees who are not yet in the ESOP program or not yet receiving statements. These “mock statements” could give fun facts about the ESOP program and explain more about what other people are receiving and how the statements can grow. Name: Sarah LeClerc Title: Staff Engineer Department: Engineering, Land Development Office: Hartford Name: Joe Kempf Title: Environmental Technician/ GIS Analyst Department: Environmental Office: Camp Hill to help new ESOP committee employees to be knowledgeable on the plan and to be able to answer question fellow employees have. Any last thoughts? I’d like to get our ESOP members from all offices to think about getting involved in their local chapter. This could really benefit BL, as we have offices in many regions.
little over 5 years. He joined the committee about 4
months ago, because
he wanted to help communicate and get more involved with BL’s ESOP. What did you think of the conference? The conference was awesome. The theme was “better together”, and the ESOP pride that I experienced there was second to none. The conference did a great
Sarah has been at BL for 2 years. She joined the committee 6 months ago, because she
wanted to get more involved at
BL and have the opportunity to plan fun events for everyone. What did you think of the conference? The conference really opened my eyes to how diverse ESOPs can be. There were companies of all sizes as well as from all over the country. Some
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