The Owners' Manual | Issue 14 | Fall/Winter 2018

Local officials conduct the formality of the Public Hearing which includes opening and closing of the hearing, scheduling the meeting(s), creating and following the agenda for the Public Hearing, listening to and considering public testimony & input, and finally making the decision to approve or not approve the specific project. Project Applicants, and/or Project Representatives, are required to represent the project and provide information for the commission with the witnessing public in attendance. Often times, BL Companies is utilized as the expert for the project to present with detail the specific elements of the architectural, engineering, and site related design components. The local community is given advanced notice of proposed projects that will be required to enter a Public Hearing and are invited to participate. Neighboring residents and land owners that surround the subject property are often notified individually as well to make them aware of the potential project and upcoming Public Hearing. During the Public Hearing, officials will notify attending citizens when they are able to offer their questions and comments. All attending citizens will have an opportunity to voice their opinions and ask questions during the process if they choose to do so. Not all choose to attend or participate but the Public Hearing process allows an opportunity for all community residents and stakeholders to be heard. THE ROLES OF PUBLIC HEARING

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